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HRT and ED Q&A

Brandon Addison • August 10, 2023

HRT, ED and Weight Loss Q&A with and Expert

All right, folks, what is going on? This is Brandon here
With Low T Nation. I just want to jump on here for a quick little q and a, uh, um, regarding testosterone, regarding peptides, the ed, weight loss, whatever you guys wanna want to chat about. Just let me know, man. We're happy to, uh, happy to start talking about it. So, um, one of the questions that we got last night in our, um, from TikTok was a guy asking me to make a video on, um, Trimix. And if you guys don't know about trimix, it is a really awesome, um, ed med. It's, it's fantastic 'cause it actually works on severe diabetics, guys with like Peyronie's disease guys with, you know, like penile fractures. Um, it works with guys that have had nicked nerves during prostatectomy. It even works on guys in wheelchairs like full paraplegics and quadriplegics can have sex Again with this stuff. It's a combination of prostaglandin, papaverine and phentolamine.
And it is a, it is a penile injection, right? It's no joke when it comes to that, but it's the best drug on the planet if you're dealing with severe ed. Um, it is an absolute godsend for guys that need that. The tricks to doing this guys, is you always start very, very, very low with this stuff. There's a full myriad of, of strengths, right? Like it's a, a full, like, huge spectrum of strengths from a recreational type dose up to a full-blown dose. And, um, I promise you right now, if you take a mid range dose when you just need a, uh, like a week introductory dose, you are going to have a priapism, you a priapism in a direction that won't go away, and you're gonna end up at the er, the ask anybody that works at the er, they see these things like every weekend.
Um, typically trimix is involved and, um, it's a big deal. So you have to start low. That goes slow with this stuff. Never use it more than, than like once in 24 hours. The, the manufacturers all recommend not using it more than, um, you know, something like three times a week or four times a week max. And the real get outta jail free card is always have an injectable phenylephrine as well. Um, they say take Sudafed. Well, there's like five different types of Sudafed. The Sudafed that works is Sudafed pe and that PE stands for phenylephrine. Um, but you can also inject the phenylephrine. So we send a bottle of phenylephrine with every bottle of Trimix from our clinic, and we tell these guys, if you run into a priapism with this stuff, just inject 0.2 into the erection 0.2 mls of the actual, um, the phenylephrine into the erection.
And boom, your problems are solved, right? So, um, you know, so let me catch back up with a couple of these. Uh, Jay Campbell asked, what if I did T r T for a couple months, then stop for a while? I don't want to be on it for life. Well, if you don't need it, um, don't take it, right? Um, pretty simple. If you do need it, then you should be on it for life. And that's our philosophy, right? So we, you know, we evaluate, you know, 3, 4, 5 guys a day. Like, well, you know, my nurse practitioners have three to four to five initial consults a day. And that's one of our philosophical lines in the sand is like, dude, if you don't need it, you don't get it, right? You gotta have like a medical necessity, um, if you're gonna get it from a legitimate clinic.
But also, this is what guys don't understand, man. If you're gonna be on testosterone just to get the muscle gains just to kind of, you know, add a little muscle and then you jump off the testosterone, you're gonna lose most of the muscle. Not always and not all of it, but you're gonna lose most of it, right? So that it's kind of a futile effort unless you're really just trying to, you know, put on a couple pounds just for, you know, you're getting married or you know you're going to the beach or whatever. Still not the best idea. 'cause you can interfere with testicular health while you're doing this. So every patient of ours, we evaluate them medically. We make sure they have what we call medical under, um, medical necessity. And, um, that means there is something that we're treating there, right? There's a symptom of low T that we're treating.
And, um, they also, every single patient gets something called en clomophine. It's not Clomid, it's like Clomid little brother. Um, much, much shorter half-life, but it keeps, uh, the testicular health in play, in, in check. So, um, but this is the deal, guys. If you have lo low testosterone is correlated with all major chronic diseases, heart disease, dementia, Alzheimer's, weak bones, when you get older, uh, diabetes, you name it, right? And so, um, if you have low T man, don't predispose yourself to that, right? It's crazy. Don't do it. So if you have low testosterone, um, get the treatment and stay on it for as long as you can. I'm gonna be on testosterone for the rest of my life, and that's gonna allow me to run, you know, circles around my peer group when I'm in my eighties, right? Because my bones are gonna be strong.
I'm gonna be strong, my brain's gonna be strong. And testosterone when it goes away, it's hard to stay strong in all those areas. So, all right, hope that answered your question. Um, total test 2 85 free test. 19. Um, you're probably, that's nanograms per deciliter. Yeah, that's low, man. That's a 1.9 on our scale for that free testosterone. Um, that's, that's horrifically low, you know, so definitely get, get you some testosterone, man. And at those levels don't come off. I mean, you know, that's not medical advice. That's just like some, that's what I would tell my buddy, you know? I mean, hey man, like that level is gonna cause you problems down the road. So, um, Daniel asked, he says, how do I lose belly fat? I'm on 200 milligrams a week. Um, reduce calories. That's, that's the end of the game right now. You can reduce the amount of calories, you got to reduce the amount of calories that you net every day, right?
So you can eat less, right? You can burn more calories, but at the end of the day, your energy balance has to be in a negative state in order to burn fat. And it's, you know, it's just that simple man there. We did a TikTok yesterday on this. Um, there was a new guy, lemme pull his name up. Um, I've already dropped. No, it was Troy McGinnis. He's the guy that just did McDonald's for a hundred days. Um, lost weight. This guy literally lost like 40 or 50 pounds. His cholesterol dropped, his blood pressure dropped, all of his inflammatory markers went down. Um, it's the best shape he's been in in a long time. And literally just ate McDonald's a hundred straight days. Where you guys remember, um, the supersize me guy, his name was Morgan Spurlock from a few years ago. He ate McDonald's for 30 days and gained 24 pounds.
And literally as Dr pulled him off the experiment, 'cause he is like, dude, this is the worst I've ever seen anybody get in 30 days. And so they're eating the same shit, right? Eating the same terrible nutritional quality food. The only difference was calories. That's the only difference, right? So, um, this guy was eating three half meals a day. Troy was where Morgan was supersizing everything, getting the, the sugar filled coke, extra large fries. And he was eating his entire burger at every meal, right? So where Troy was at like 1500 calories a day, the other guy was probably at 4,000, 5,000 calories a day. And, um, you know, same food just in different, different quantity. So just cut the, uh, you know, cut the calories, lift weights. When you lift weights, man, your B M R increases tremendously 'cause your body's so busy with the protein synthesis necessary for hypertrophy and you're burning a lot of calories doing that as well.
Um, you can do total blood donations for dropping hematocrit. You could do power red. Um, you know, just keep in mind, every pint of just a normal donation that you give is gonna drop your hematocrit by about, uh, three points. And also, if you are on that scale of hemochromatosis where you have to do this quite often, um, make sure you watch your iron levels. There's a test called the, the T I B C. It's a total iron binding capacity test. Make sure to get that. Um, because you can check your ferritin levels and make sure your ferritin stores and your iron levels are staying intact, because that's where all your iron stays, right? Is in your red blood and every time you give blood, you basically recycle your entire body's worth of blood, right? Um, it's a long story, but, but think about this.
Hematocrit is the percentage of total blood volume that is comprised of red blood cells, right? So if you just take a pint out, you didn't change that percentage, you just reduced the overall volume. However that percentage drops. Like how is that? Um, it's literally your body goes, oh shit, I just lost some blood and it doesn't know where it went. So it sends out this apoptotic signal that literally recycles your entire, your body's worth of blood over the course of like seven to 10 days. And you recycle a lot of your iron when you do that, right? So make sure you're keeping your iron stores intact when you're doing this. So, um, it is 200 week a week low, not for therapeutic doses. Um, it's a good question because when you're on the internet, man, you just see guys taking a full gram and so many guys are, you know, taking 250 twice a week.
Um, from a therapeutic perspective, 200 milligrams is just about all you're gonna need to be physiologically appropriate, right? And that's, that's optimally that optimally physiologically appropriate. So you can skyrocket your testosterone, you will gain muscle, you're gonna skyrocket side effects. And all of the, the main issues involved with, you know, with doing steroids or way too much testosterone, you're not gonna run into them at 200 milligrams, right? 200 milligrams is gonna keep most guys at 1200 or a little lower, you know, somewhere between like 900 and 1200, something like that. And, um, if that's the case, that's a good dose of testosterone, you know? So, um, you know, don't, don't go crazy with it. And the other thing too is people think just more testosterone is gonna make, or more anabolics, you know, jumping on all the other things gonna make more muscle and it doesn't, right?
I know so many guys that come to us and they're taking all the shit in the world that they can get their hands on, um, and they're not getting results. And they'll come to us and they're like, man, what the hell? Like, I don't understand. And I'm like, well, talk about your protein intake. Talk about your total calories, let's talk about your sleep and your stress. What's your recovery look like? You know, what is your con, what's your volume and your intensity look like in order to take advantage of those much higher levels of testosterone that these guys are running? Like, you know, 500 plus milligrams a week. You gotta have all your ducks in a row. You gotta be killing it in the gym, sleeping great, making sure your hydration's on point, making sure your macros and total calories are on point. And if you don't do that, you can take all the anabolics or testosterone in the world and you're not gonna get the results, right?
Um, we have one TikTok that that talks about. It's like something like how to spot a steroid user. And I'm like, yeah, go look for the biggest jack, like vascular, lean, like badass dude in the gym. Yeah, that guy's on t I mean, he's on steroids, right? Almost always. You can almost bet that. But what most guys don't get in that gym, in that same gym, there's 10 or 15 other dudes in there walking around that don't look like him, that are on just as much gear because they're not putting in the work, right? So the work is absolutely critical. Um, you know, before increasing anabolics. And another wild thing, man is so many people, they start getting their ducks in a row, right? And they're like, okay, you know what? You're right, I'm gonna, you know, just drop back down to 200 milligrams, get my my body right?
Get all my markers right? But also sleep, stress, protein, macros, everything, manage recovery better, get more intense, more volume. All of a sudden they get jacked and you're like, Hmm, there you go bud. And so, um, worry about the basics first, right? And then worry about everything else. So, um, all right, Justin total T was 1 0 9 if free T was nine. Um, free tested was 3 53 total, two high. So that scale, uh, is a 35 of the way. It's picograms per deciliter. Um, 35 is a little high for most guys. Yep. And so, um, and it, it depends, right? High is relative. And so we treat, you know, thousands of patients. So when I talk about something being high, I mean, it's high as an average for most guys in our program. There are guys that can pull that number off, no problem, right? Without any side effects.
You know, there are other guys whose nipples will shoot through their shirt, they're gonna cry themselves asleep at night. They're gonna feel absolutely terrible. They're gonna get back knee, their hair is gonna fall out and all these other issues. Um, keeping that, our goal for that free T number where yours is a 35.3, our goal is somewhere between 20 and 30. That's where most guys feel, um, just back, they're like, oh my God, I'm 25 again, I'm back. You know? So, and then getting past that, you start introducing side effects to the average guy, you know? So just keep that in mind. So another thing that we got a couple questions on yesterday was prostate cancer. And, uh, I'm gonna start doing these lives, guy, like maybe like, I don't know, 30 minutes, 45 minutes a day. So if you guys don't mind, um, you know, give us some likes.
I want this information to get out there. 'cause so many guys are just killing their bodies, they're making bad decisions. And also they're propagating bullshit on TikTok and on the internet that makes other guys make bad decisions with their bodies. So we're really trying to get out there, um, and, and just, you know, share some common sense knowledge. There's just too much like just bro science and BSS out there. And guys are literally taking way too many chances. Uh, man, we had blood work come in on a, uh, it's actually a consulting client of mine. I teach doctors how to actually do H R T and weight loss and Ed and implement it into their clinics and make some cash and be able to offer additional services to their clientele. And one of the doctors that I was starting with, he was getting advice from this knucklehead at the gym, but he was a professional bodybuilder.
So the doctor was like, man, you know, maybe I should listen to this guy. Well, his testosterone was through the, he was having severe estrogenic issues. His back was broken out completely, but what was even worse, he had him on Cytomel, his T three was the highest I've ever seen. And he had him on clenbuterol at the same time with the highest T three I've ever seen. And that is an absolute recipe for a heart attack. And um, when I showed the doctor his laps, he was like, flabbergasted, right? So even if a doctor can make those bad decisions, right? You know, it's easy for, you know, guys like you guys and us to make the same based on all the misinformation. So, um, anything that, that you guys can do, you know, for the algorithm to, uh, to help put our information out there, we'd greatly appreciate it.
So if you could like our videos and share it, I'm not trying to be like, you know, I don't make any money on any of these things. None of this stuff is monetized. I just want to be able to help these guys make the right decisions. Um, but back to the prostate cancer thing, we get a lot of questions about prostate cancer. And, um, years ago, like, you know, 50 years ago or something like that, there were some studies done that showed that if a guy had prostate cancer and you chemically castrated that guy, the cancer tumor would remit. And, um, so they're like, oh, testosterone's causing cancer. Well, it doesn't. That's a very, very loose correlation. And with, with no consideration for causation whatsoever, testosterone has never caused prostate cancer ever once in anybody. And think about it, if it did, a bunch of 25 year old dudes will be running around with prostate cancer, right?
And they don't, you know, you don't get prostate cancer till you're much older. Um, and then, you know, that's when your hormones are going. Well, they found out recently that you can actually remit prostate cancer with very high levels of testosterone as well. Now, we can't do that clinically. The, the, you know, it's just not accepted in in medicine yet, but it will be very, very soon. And a company called Biot, which is a female pellet, they're primarily a female testosterone pellet company. They've also recently done an enormous study with a hundred thousand women and they showed that women, if you keep their levels above a one 50, it cuts their breast cancer incidents in half. That's crazy, man. One outta seven, one outta eight women get breast cancer. And when you can make that like one outta 15, that is so, so profound, right?
That like, how many lives is that going to change? Um, so yeah, guys don't worry about prostate cancer at all with testosterone. So, and they've also proved these aren't, I don't ever ever talk about opinions in this. We only regurgitate what the actual literature says. Um, but another thing is guys that have the lowest levels of testosterone always have the most aggressive forms of prostate cancer as well. Guys that have healthier levels of, of, of testosterone throughout their life, um, typically don't get prostate cancer. And if they do, it's a much less aggressive form. Um, and the the outcomes are typically better. So that's one thing that, um, that is a big deal. So another thing that comes up on here all the time, and man this starts fucking wars, um, is anastrozole use. And so everybody wants an easy rule, right? And do we use it?
Yes, we use it. Oh, you're stupid, you use anastrozole or do you not use it? No, we never use it. Well I think that's stupid too. You don't want any hard and fast lines in the sand. The reality is some guys need it right now, not most. This is where clinics that, that adhere to one or the other, they get in trouble because there's just so many different guys out there, right? And if you give the same amount of testosterone to five guys, they're estrogen's gonna come in at five different places. And also that doesn't have any effect on where his natural estrogen optimal point is either, right? So, um, guys are gonna come back all over the, the place 'cause they aromatase at different levels. But then some guys, you know, wherever they aromatase too isn't enough estrogen for them. Some guys, it's the sweet spot and some guys it's, it's way too much.
So we never give anastrozole to guys unless they're exhibiting estrogenic symptoms, right? They're bad water retention, um, you know, erection issues. Um, typically the erection issues are on the lower side, right? But when guys get, um, nipple tenderness, when they get, um, temperature issues like temperature regulation issues and water retention and um, and emotional issues, that's typically estrogenic, right? And we give those guys anastrozole and just like that, they feel better most of the time. So I argue with these clinics all the time, I'm like, look man, like don't draw a hard and fast philosophical line in the sand when you can see that it works. Sometimes just say, Hey, sometimes when necessary, we try this and it usually works. And if it doesn't, we take the anastrozole back outta play. Also, keep in mind that anastrozole definitely can cause an increase in blood pressure.
So if you guys have ever jumped on testosterone and you had anastrozole as part of your protocol and your blood pressure went up, is not the testosterone. Testosterone doesn't cause increases in blood pressure. Again, 25 year olds to 20 year olds would have high blood pressure. If that was the case guys, their blood pressure would increase when they hit puberty. And um, that's not the case. So, um, can you explain what VAR is? Yeah, Anavar is a D H T based anabolic steroid. Um, I don't like it because of what it does to your lipid panel. Um, I was talking about one of these doctors the other day that came in and his, his, um, his testosterone, or excuse me, he was on all these, these, uh, anabolics, he was on VAR also. And, um, you want your L D L. So with cholesterol, L D l think of it as lethal and H D l think of it as healthy, right as you want these, as close to one to one as you can get.
But you can have up to like three times as much bad cholesterol as good cholesterol and still be fine, right? This guy had 27 times the amount of bad 27 times the amount of bad cholesterol that he had, good cholesterol. And if he naturally had the tendency for any atherosclerosis, he was setting that environment up perfectly. Now, antiviral is a, you know, it's, it's a pretty anabolic drug, right? Um, it's not very androgenic, it is anabolic and it helps guys cut weight and, you know, retain some muscle. But I'd much rather, if you're going to take something, I'd much rather take, you know, um, a, a lower dose nandrolone or something along those lines just to mitigate the side effects tremendously. So, um, thoughts on Prime Body? I don't know about those guys. I know they're not as good as that company called Low Teen Nation though, if that company's awesome. <laugh>, all right. Oh, thank you man. I appreciate the, uh, the compliment we're trying. All right, well this guy wants to go live with me. Let's see what this looks like.
Come on. All right, we'll see if he comes. Alright, any other questions guys? We, we do a lot of work with, um, semaglutide these days. We're killing it with that drug. Um, it is a phenomenal weight loss drug. Phenomenal. Okay? Um, when done right now, if you just give it to people, um, we give 'em B 12 two to mitigate those early side effects like GI upset, and we also make sure that they increment very slowly, right? When guys go fast, it's a big deal, right? They're going to shut their GI system completely down. That's where gallbladder and pancreatic issues come into play. Um, and also they don't eat at all. So what happens? Their metabolism shuts down, they lose lean body mass, their hunger hormone called ghrelin, um, starts to go through the roof. Leptin, the satiety of hormone starts to go away. And typically that, that hormonal dysregulation can last as long as your diet is.
So if you were on semaglutide in a crazy deficit right? For two months, that that hormonal dysregulation is gonna stay like that for two months after you start to refeed. But the issue is you've lost metabolism. You've lost lean muscle, which actually drops your B M R more and you're still hungry and you're never satiated when you start eating. That's what the body is literally programmed to do, right? Back in the day, man, it was seasonal and when we were cavemen, we lost all our muscle and you know, we lost all of our fast stores in the winter and then all of a sudden we had to be programmed to refeed as fast as we can because guess what? The next winter is coming. That's how bears still work, right? It's the same thing, you know? And so, um, you'll hear a lot of bad things about semaglutide, but it is an absolute wonder drug when you couple it with behavior change and lifestyle modification to make sure that this weight loss protocol sticks after they've done it.
Um, is okay. So what's my opinion on jails? Jails are terrible if they are commercially bought. So axon AndroGel, they're so sub clinically diagnosed, there's, there's just a tiny amount of testosterone in them. You can't get your levels up to where you need to be with those. However, if you get a compounded gel or a compounded cream, they're great because your doctor can put as much testosterone in that as he wants, right? When he orders it from the pharmacy. So you can drive your testosterone levels up to an optimal, optimal spot with those. So if you're gonna use a gel, um, the other thing too is for, to be as optimal as possible. 'cause that stuff falls outta your system in like 16, 17 hours. Um, it's to, for full optimization, do it twice a day, right? Because you don't want to rob yourself of, you know, 6, 7, 8 hours, um, of no testosterone.
And it's typically gonna gonna be when you sleep because most people put it on during the day. You want that testosterone as much as it can get. Um, it's gynecomastia related to testosterone. Absolutely. Um, again, I was saying earlier, well, you know, that's not related because of teenagers would have it. Well, teenagers get gynecomastia all the time, right? Like boys when they hit puberty, they get those weird nipples. Girls actually grow breasts right from estrogen. Um, well, because the male body doesn't make much estrogen outright, right? Our testicles make about 10% of all the estrogen that we have. We convert it from an aromatase enzyme and aromatase grabs testosterone and converts it into estrogen. So the more testosterone we have, the more that conversion occurs and the more estrogen we end up with. Guys have different levels of sensitivity to estrogen. And when a guy's super sensitive to it or he just has a, an astronomical amount of estrogen, one of the side effects is gynecomastia.
So if that's the case, that is a situation where a guy needs to be on an aromatase inhibitor or he needs to bring his testosterone level down. Well some guys, in order to have an optimal a level of testosterone, right, they end up with way too much estrogen. That is one of the exceptions to the rule where you put that guy on an AI like anastrozole and, and bring that estrogen level down. Alright? What is your opinion on peptides? I love them. We have IOR with C J C 1295. That is a absolute badass growth hormone producing combo. Um, the, the CJC 1295 is a growth hormone releasing hormone, and it's coupled with ilin, which is something called a somatostatin blocker. So that keeps that growth hormone pulse going for about four hours. It is phenomenal. Now you're wasting your money if you take that and you're not working out.
But if you are working out, the increased protein synthesis is just absolutely amazing and it's lipolytic as well. Um, the only time that I would've would recommend taking it when you're not, um, working out is if you're struggling with sleep. We actually have several guys that buy that. They spend a lot of money on it in lieu of a much cheaper abient option because they're sleep quality is just so much better and they love it. We also have healing peptides like b PC 1 57. We have sexual peptides like PT one 40 guys, if y'all don't know what PT 1 41 is, you need to learn because, um, it's typically given to women. Some guys, it it really helps. A lot of guys have the best erections they've ever had, but on the female side it is revolutionizing sex. Um, women can have twice the orgasms at twice the intensity.
Literally. This is not my, I'm not talking anecdotally, I'm talking, there's research that shows women have twice the orgasms at twice the efficiency. And, um, that's, or excuse me, twice the intensity. And that is phenomenal with the same stimulation, right? So that's pretty badass. But we have tanning peptides, sleeping peptides, we have cognitive boosting peptides. It is absolutely just, they are rockstar drugs and, um, they're way better than taking these BSS pharmaceuticals that have all the side effects. These drugs just stimulate the production of certain chemicals in the body. You know, like immor stimulates growth hormone production, um, like the, the panic, the the, uh, tanning peptide we have is called melanotan. It, it stimulate literally stimulates melanin production in the body, you know? So, um, this is way better than just like introducing drugs to treat things that are literally caused by lifestyle, right?
And then you have to take more drugs to treat the side effects from the initial drug, like man, treat the root cause, you know? So these peptides really help treat the root cause in a lot of things. Also, guys, ulcerative colitis and, um, Crohn's disease is now being treated with an oral BPC 1 57 and the results are phenomenal. If you guys are dealing with GI issues, check that out, do some research on it, it is amazing. And so will we ever low our prices for t r t? No man, we've had the same prices for seven years, right? So we're not, we're not these clinics that go up on our prices. We're just, you know, we know our value. Uh, we know there are some cheaper alternatives, but we get those guys literally every day because they don't have the service and the compassion and the love and the experience that we have, and also they don't have the technical ability to do some of the things that we have as well.
So, um, you know, and we spend a lot of money on education and some other things. So we do need to, um, you know, charge a little more than these clinics. They just shoot you the meds and they never talk to you and you can't get 'em on the phone. Like if we did what they did, right, we could charge what they do. But, you know, we don't, we offer a, a service that's pretty much unparalleled out there and I'm so proud of it, man, if you guys just check our reviews out, you'll see it. I'm just so proud of the reputation that we've been able to generate. And a lot of that is, I mean, we have to generate a little more revenue just because we do so many different things in the industry. I mean, we help set protocols, we train other doctors, uh, we do a lot of different things.
And so how do you know it's safe and cost effective way to take peptides? Well, you gotta get it so safe. It, those are almost two different things, right? Um, making sure you're doing it right means you're gonna pay more than if you just went to one of these peptide places on the internet. But don't take my word for it. Just Google, you know, like peptide, third party potency and sterility testing. And you'll see that most of these, um, like blue sky and some of these, when you test the product, it's not what it says it is. So, um, get it from a legitimate pharmacy, you know, typically through a legitimate clinic and, um, you're gonna be fine. You're gonna pay a little more for it, but you will know what you're getting, you know, so make sure you know what you're getting guys. And so how long with two milligrams of ipamorelin last? Not long. Um, our 35 day bottle is 15 milligrams, right? So, um, that's like we give 400 and something micrograms daily. So, and two, that'd be five days worth if you're doing it daily. Um, you know, so that's, you want to get a lot from that. A dog just scared the shit outta me. <laugh>.
All right, happy Friday and you're so welcome. Absolutely Brody. I'll be right guys.
Speaker 3 (30:54):
Speaker 2 (31:02):
Alright. U P ss guy just made my dog shit in the floor. I think that was crazy. Alright, so Ipamorelin, one of the, the, um, primary rules of it is take a microgram, you need at least a microgram per pound of body weight. All right? So if you weigh two 50, you want at least two 50, we dose heavily with that. 'cause there is a dose dependent increase, roadie stop, there's a dose dependent increase in result up until about 500 micrograms. So we give like 420 micrograms daily the way it's set up with ours. And so IGF one, LR three is, is a good peptide. Do not use that with dac. Um, there's something called DAC is the drug affinity complex. They don't know why this happened yet. And so this is why I say don't take it. A lot of guys take it and they get great results, but there's been two studies, they're, they're rat studies, right? But um, in both of these studies with Dak, they were dosing 'em pretty heavily and all the rats died. Like all of them, like they don't know exactly what happened yet. And so at that point I had some with Dak in my, in my uh, cabinet and I was like, Nope, I threw it in the trash. I'm not taking any chances with that. So,
Um, we do not prescribe oxandrolone. Nope. And so, uh, Carson daily <laugh>, it's better than guy called me Tom Hanks yesterday, I'll take it. Um, we are located in Georgia. We're licensed in Texas in Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama. And we have been waiting on our California license forever for like a year. But we will be getting, um, a California license very, very soon. Um, another thing about these peptides guys is they increase, um, protein synthesis big time, right? And um, when your body is in a deficit when you're losing weight and that, that protein synthesis mechanism is really shut down in the body. And if you think about it from a caveman perspective, right? If you're, if winter has come and you're losing weight, right? The last thing your body wants to do is put more muscle on and increase its caloric demand when you're having those issues, right?
Because when you're having those, those, those caloric restrictions going on, um, so typically when you lose fat, you lose muscle and it's very hard to lose fat and to even just maintain muscle, right? Especially to gain muscle. However, if you're taking ipamorelin, 'cause it turns that protein synthesis switch back on in your body, you can actually do both and the the IOR and really helps you with that because it increases protein synthesis and it's lipolytic at the same time. Um, and you can do that at a calorie deficit as long as you get the protein. Now, when you're trying to get this right, is that there's a delicate balancing act 'cause you can't stay in too much of a deficit 'cause your body's going to be metabolizing its own muscle, right? Once it runs out of fat stores, which are easier to convert, it's going to go after the muscle.
So you gotta stay out of that heavy deficit. But if you can find a pretty good just below maintenance, um, level for calories and increase your protein tremendously, you can actually put on some muscle and loosen fat at the same time. And, um, it's a real, I love helping guys do that because so many guys are just so frustrated. They're like, fuck, I put all this muscle on and then I go to lean out and I lose all the muscle and I don't know what I'm doing. Um, the IPA Morlin makes a profound impact on that. And also it's great for our patients that are on, um, semaglutide. Again, these things add up and they get really real expensive, you know, so we don't really push it on people, but when they complain about losing muscle and they're put, they're eating the protein and they're putting, you know, they're, they're doing their resistance training, we'll talk to them about it and it's a, it's a pretty good, um, it's a pretty good option for those guys.
So again guys, thank y'all. I appreciate you guys so much. Do me a favor. Let's, um, like this stuff a little bit, I want to get this, this, this live to, you know, kind of announce itself to a lot more people every day when we start doing it. Um, so like, share our videos, you know, comment on 'em. Please do anything you can to help us with this algorithm. 'cause we're really trying to get rid of all the bro science out there. You know, we've been on YouTube for years. We had a big impact on YouTube and we literally changed bro science a little bit. We've been on YouTube for seven years and we were one of the more heavily trafficked sites when it comes to good testosterone information. Um, I want to do that on TikTok as well just to, because I mean, the bro science is now rampant on TikTok and it's killing me. Um, but if I can do anything for you guys, my, my email address is or you can always email us at info at Low T Nation, um, Woody, it is low t And um, we're happy to help you guys in any way we can. You know, we're always happy to answer questions and um, like I said, guys, you know, show us some love for the algorithm. I appreciate you guys. I'm gonna bail for now, but y'all have a good day. See ya.

By Brandon Addison May 14, 2024
Testosterone is synonymous with the male physiology. Everyone knows men produce and need large levels of testosterone and that the hormone plays a vital role in reproduction. But did you know that testosterone is also an essential and necessary hormone for women? Although not needed in such large quantities, testosterone is essential to certain physiological functions in women. Here are a few key roles and effects testosterone plays in the female body: 1. Libido and Sexual Function : Testosterone contributes to sexual arousal and libido. Low levels can lead to decreased sexual desire. 2. Bone Density: Testosterone helps maintain bone density, and low levels can increase the risk of osteoporosis. 3. Muscle Mass and Strength: It supports muscle growth and maintenance, contributing to overall body strength. 4. Mood and Well-being: Adequate levels of testosterone are linked to mood stabilization and overall sense of well-being. Low levels can contribute to mood swings, depression, and fatigue. 5. Cognitive Function: It plays a role in cognitive functions such as memory and focus. Testosterone is produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands and just as with men, when women age those testosterone levels become less optimal and less efficient. This decrease in hormone production can create different symptoms that may be experienced such as: • Reduced libido • Fatigue and decreased energy levels • Depression and mood changes • Muscle weakness • Weight gain • Thinning hair If you are a middle aged woman and feel as though you may be experiencing some of these symptoms, it could be related to decreased testosterone levels! The best place to start is by having blood work done and working with an experienced clinic and provider who truly understand women’s hormones. By examining labs and assessing symptoms, an expert practitioner can provide guidance and recommendation for what your body may need to regain your quality of life! If you have more questions about women’s hormones and HRT , please contact us and we will be more than happy to answer your questions!
By Brandon Addison August 10, 2023
Transcript of video. Speaker 1 (00:00:51): What's going on, folks? Happy Sunday morning. This is Brandon here with Lott Nation, and I, uh, lemme get this camera right here. I, uh, just doing a little q and a on all things h r t, like weight loss, peptide, you name it, man Ed, anything in the, the realm of hormone replacement, um, you know, metabolic enhancement. Y'all, uh, y'all let me know what your questions are, man. I'd be more than happy to, uh, to answer anything, uh, anything you got, that's the answer to your question about what am I blubbering about? , all right. (00:01:34): One of the things I wanted to talk about today, I talked about this a couple days ago on a live is, um, if you guys haven't seen this yet, you will very shortly, there was a guy who just did a hundred days on, um, a McDonald's only diet, and he absolutely killed it. He lost like 60 pounds. His cholesterol dropped like 65 points. Fasting glucose went down, obviously A one C did as well. His inflammation markers went down. And that is in a hell of a stark contrast to the guy that did the supersized meat experiment a few years ago. I'm sure most of you guys remember that. Um, that guy ate McDonald's for 30 days, right? Every meal for 30 days, and he gained 24 pounds. He ended up with, with acute fatty liver issues, felt like ass, he just completely felt terrible. And, um, like what's the difference, man? (00:02:24): They both ate the exact same food. They both ate the, you know, exact same nutritional garbage. Um, one guy lost weight, right? Literally all of his metabolic markers improved. One guy got fat and everything decreased. Um, the only difference was calories, right? The guy that did it very recently, the a hundred days, he was only eating half a meal three times a day and totaling about 1500 calories. The supersize me guy, he said yes to every time they said, do you wanna supersize it? He's actually, the reason that supersize me experiment was the reason McDonald's doesn't do the supersize thing anymore. But, um, he said yes, every time he got the extra large Coke, again, a sweet Coke not diet, he got extra large fries. He ate the whole meal every single time. Whether that was like a 20 piece nugget or a double quarter pounder or whatever, um, fell apart, right? (00:03:11): Metabolically, the only difference is calories. And this is one thing that we teach so much with our weight loss, is that it just comes down to calories. Nutrition is important. We don't, we're not trying to disregard nutrition, but if you're trying to lose fat in the short term, focus more on your calories than the actual content of your food, and you will be, um, you'll be to go, I do not want these people joining. Um, and so it's a, it's a big, big deal, right? Focus on macros, focus on calories, less about the, the components of the food, and then way less on these fucking knuckleheads that are talking about, oh, well, kale is unhealthy because of this, and oatmeal is unhealthy because of this, and they have these negative nutrients, and they have, I'm like, man, just focus on your macros and your calories and you'll start losing weight when you get that calorie deficit, uh, dialed in. (00:03:58): Don't go too steep, right? 'cause we'll shut metabolism down. But yeah, that's, uh, am I on test Deca d ball trend? Clin, Winnie and Var? Yes. No, no, no, no, no, no. And so I will occasionally, uh, I've got busted joints, man. I've been through two acls and I have a torn one now, and I've snapped both of my Achilles, so I get hurt. You know what I mean? A lot when I, when I exercise, I'm, I'm a Juujitsu guy and like I'm doing Mount Everest in October. So when I'm training hard, I do run a little bit of deca just to keep my joints feeling well. But, um, you know, that's, uh, I'm not the biggest proponent of any of those others, unless you're just, you know, if you're a bodybuilder, I mean, you kinda have to, unless you're gonna go natty and if you're gonna go natty, you don't need it, right? (00:04:46): So it's one of those things, if you're gonna play in the deep waters, uh, the non-tested, um, competition, then you're either gonna have to do it or you're not gonna be very good. So let me see. How does it feel men to know that's what you're using? See how it's for everyone? I don't understand what that means. You do sound like a talking robot. All right? But one thing that we're getting a is 1 68 too low? Is that a total testosterone? Yeah, that's, I don't know anything about you, but that's too low. Um, it's a big deal, man. Testosterone keeps your brain intact. It is very cardioprotective. It's very neuroprotective. It is, um, incredibly osteo protective as we get older. And it also helps keep our metabolisms up by keeping lean muscle on us and keeping energy levels up. And when you can keep metabolism and energy up, you keep waistline down. (00:05:42): And when you keep waistline down, you keep all those mortality indicators that are associated with metabolic syndrome, you keep 'em pushed off. And, um, you know, at the end of the day, man, um, waste circumference is the number one mortality indicator. That's not up for arguing. That's just, um, that's a hundred percent truth. It's been proven a million times. And so because of that, anything you can do to keep your waist down, right, it's gonna help you live longer. So we want to do that. Testosterone obviously helps, but again, it stass off neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia. It is incredibly cardioprotective. It's just the best thing ever, man. And, uh, alright, I don't need any additional hormones to feel like a man. Good for you talking robot. I think I'm gonna block you, buddy. You keep saying dumb shit. There we go. Alright, any intelligent questions or covenants? (00:06:37): Um, one of the things that we, we got a lot of traction with the other day too, is we were talking about all the various peptides that we use. Um, I'll get back to that a second. 46 and a waist of 36 inches. That's not bad. I mean, depending on your height, but, um, you know, it's, it's just basics, man. These guys want to get super complicated on this stuff, and it's just basics. Keep your protein up, do some resistance training, get some steps in sleep, well manage your stress. And life kind of gets easy, you know, when you try to overcomplicate these things, they fall apart big time. And so, um, yeah man, so Stone just said TB 500 is on point for injury. It absolutely is. Um, it's called thymosin beta 500. There's also a, a sub-component of that, which is called Thymosin Beta four. (00:07:25): They're both fantastic, especially in conjunction with something called B P C 1 5 7. If you guys are dealing with nagging injuries, you know, whether it's ligament, cartilage, tendon, they are absolutely phenomenal. They don't do too much for any kind of a muscle tear, but for any kind of cytoplast or fibroblast remodeling, uh, it is amazing. So if you guys get dinged up, um, you know, they, uh, keep that in mind. And yeah, the, the two comments here, like stress, that's the big thing, is sleep well is the hardest one. They are, you know, I throw these out there, oh, just do this, right? It's, those things are tough, especially when you got a lot of shit going on in your life. Um, we put cortisol on our test, we don't treat any kind of Addison's or grave disease or anything on the outside of the spectrum, but when we see cortisol up, the question that we start asking is, Hey man, what's your stress like in your life? (00:08:16): And these guys are like, bro, I'm going through a divorce. I'm going through a bankruptcy. My kid is sick. My mom's having a heart attack every three months. And I'm just so stressed out. And we ask those questions because some guys, sometimes guys will say, Hey man, this testosterone therapy is not doing anything for me. But when you're going through that, like when you're dealing with that, nothing's gonna fix that, right? So managing stress, managing sleep, um, critical and yeah, man, it's not easy. You know, we do have some peptides that help with that. Um, there's one called Ilin compounded with CJC 1295. It is a hell of a sleep aid as well as a growth hormone producing agent. Um, it helps build muscle. It's lipo active, which means it, it burns fat and it is fantastic for sleep. There's also a pep peptide called Dsip, d ss i p. (00:09:04): It's a deep sleep inducing peptide. And, um, for guys that struggle with sleep, man, it is a godsend. And both of these peptides, I've taken both of 'em. Um, you don't wake up like lost and confused and groggy like you do with an Ambien, you know, with an Ambien you can wake up in your damn garage and not know how you got out there. You know, you're like, what the hell? And you're texting your ex and or and ordering shit off of Amazon. Um, these, you don't get those kind of weird wonky side effects. It's just when you get into those deeper stages of sleep, it just really helps you stay there. But you can wake up easy. It's not like a G H B where you're gonna get date raped on these things either. So they are absolutely, um, awesome. So lies, there's always something people try to sell you. (00:09:48): Last year it's testosterone, now it's peptides. Well, that's, that's one opinion. I mean, obviously we are a, the testosterone clinic lower the reverb. Sorry about that. Thank you. Um, is that better guys? Hopefully. But uh, yeah, we are a clinic man and we sell stuff, but we sell stuff that changes people's lives. And the trick to, uh, the trick to knowing if a clinic is legit or not is understanding their business practices, right? Do they gouge you upfront? Do they charge big consultation fees? Do they lock you into contracts? Um, the way we roll is we ask guys to pay a hundred bucks for the initial lab panel. That actually costs us a couple dollars more than that, believe it or not. Um, we lose money on the labs, you get a free consultation, and if you sign up with us, there's never a contract. (00:10:37): So it becomes our job to make you feel as well as you possibly can. You know what I mean? And so, yeah, test absolutely does make a lot of people feel better, but sometimes guys need additional things they're trying to put on muscle and their testosterone levels are fine, right? Or they're trying to sleep better, right? But their testosterone levels are fine or they're trying to lose weight, you know, but their testosterone levels are fine. Um, the answer's not always. Just more testosterone and more testosterone. Sometimes we have to parlay into, hey, like, check out this weight loss option, or Hey, check out this peptide for building muscle or this peptide for building sleep. So it's not just as simple as going more is better with testosterone because at some point it is for a while, right? But then you keep going and more becomes much worse because guys were, uh, running into so many side effects. (00:11:23): So Jimbo says that t r t has changed everything. I only owned it for two months now. Yeah, you know, you know, man, this is why I love this shit so much. Uh, eight years ago I owned an internet marketing company. I kind of focused in the medical space and I picked up a testosterone clinic as a client. They were like, Hey, will you market us? And I said, yeah, sure. And I kind of dove in on their model and started marketing 'em, and I fell in love with it just because of what it did for the guys, you know? Um, and this was like eight years ago. There were no testosterone clinics eight ago. So in the southeast, we were the first ones to do it because I saw this clinic in Texas doing it, and I just fell in love with the results that these guys were getting. (00:12:00): And I was like, man, that's what I wanna do. So that's what we did it. And so Smac says, I'm a member, and low T is awesome. Love the program. Thank you, sir. Appreciate that. We appreciate you. Um, it will convert to estrogen. Two went high. Yeah, that's where estrogen comes from in the male body. Um, most guys can carry a boatload of estrogen. And estrogen is incredibly beneficial to men. Incredibly protects your bones, protects your hearts, helps you sleep, gives you good erections. And when you get testosterone too low, guys feel terrible, right? Also, when you get testosterone too high, guys feel terrible, but too high is very relative to the individual, right? So your estrogen level, my estrogen levels, I can come in at a hundred and I feel great. Other guys get to 60 and their nipples are killing 'em, and they're, they're retaining all this water and they're feeling emotional. (00:12:51): Um, you know, so it's just we evaluate every patient individually and figure out, um, what's going on with their estrogen levels. The best weight loss peptide, without a doubt is semaglutide. It's Wago V or Ozempic, um, by the brand names. And it is the best weight loss drug ever, right? Don't believe all this bullshit where people say, oh, it's causing this and it's causing that. Yet everything done wrong right? Will cause a problem. If you drink too much water, you die. Right? If, I mean it, it's a known thing. I think we kind of need water. Um, when you go in too much of a deficit, too hard, too fast for too long, and you're not eating anything and you're shutting your metabolism down and you're, you're metabolizing all your lean body mass, yeah, that's terrible. But it's not the drug, it's the amount of drug and the duration and the way it's going is the way it's being applied is the problem. (00:13:44): And so, alright, what else been on it since 2019? And no side effects. That means that they're, uh, it's a good program. And so, uh, I love these success stories, guys. That's amazing. Yeah. Um, you can call us. You said, where can you get that if you check out low team And guys, I'm not on here to pedal our products. I'm literally on here just to give free advice today. But if you do, if you are interested in some stuff, um, feel free, just go ahead and go to Low Team Nation. You can see the products. We have also, guys, if you don't mind, you know, give us some love on the, the likes and the shares with this live that way. Uh, we're trying to get this information out there. There's so much broken, just, just bullshit out there with all the bro science number one. (00:14:28): And then all the doctors that have no idea what they're talking about, just perpetuating garbage. I want to get a lot of the truth, um, you know, put in place where it needs to be. So, uh, stone Stoneman, you're the best. I appreciate you. All right. We have another guy, 28 male lift regularly. T is 2 91 LH and F S h normal S H B G low and prolactin is high. T r t indicated, um, probably, yeah, I mean it's, we want, we would, we would know, we would need to know about your symptoms, right? What symptoms are you dealing with? If you felt amazing at that 2 91, you're not indicated, right? But if you're like, man, I'm exhausted, I'm having libido issues, um, can't add muscle, I'm losing, you know, I'm getting fat. Like yeah, big time. But the numbers by themselves don't necessarily indicate somebody unless they're just grossly obvious. (00:15:18): Some guys get by on those numbers. Most guys don't, though that 2 91, we keep most guys somewhere between like 900 to 1200 and they feel so much better. So, um, 41 got tested, I was at 300, been on it eight months now at 1300, I feel great. Yep. Tank. That's the, uh, that's the normal story that we hear. Some guys get on it and it takes them a while to kind of get dialed in. We need to figure out exactly what to do with their estrogen. We need to figure out exactly where they need to be to be optimal. But yeah, man, you know, you get most guys above, you know, like a thousand, um, get their estrogen level, you know, at a good high level, like 40 to 60 or something like that, and then just get outta their way. Um, now they got motivation to go back to the gym. (00:16:00): One of the things that that made a big impact on me a couple years ago, a guy called us and he goes, Hey man, I've sat in the gym parking lot twice this week for 30 minutes, and I sat in the parking lot and I didn't go in. He goes, I just don't have the motivation and the energy. He goes, I'm trying to apply the discipline, but I don't have the motivation to back it up. Um, he got on testosterone in about three weeks. He was back in the gym. He knew what to do, right? His body was even, I mean, he was trying to go through the motion. He just didn't have the energy to do it. And so, um, this will give you the energy to do all the things that you know you're supposed to do, right? It brings that motivation back. (00:16:36): It brings the discipline back a little bit just because you have the energy to go, all right, let's go. Like, let's get up and go. So, um, you have too much growth hormone in your body probably from test. No test doesn't turn into growth hormone. Growth hormone is a pituitary produced hormone. Um, there's something called acro melia, which is a, um, it is a pituitary adenoma. The word tumor is scary, right? But it's, they're benign. Um, but if that little tumor is on the, a particular part of your pituitary that makes growth hormone, you will have, you will have a condition called acromium and it will produce too much growth hormone in your body. Um, you want to get that looked at by an endocrinologist. They can ablate those, um, those little tumors and get rid of that adenoma and get rid of that problem. (00:17:24): You can also have something, what's called a, a growth hormone releasing hormone active pituitary adenoma. And that will also drive downstream growth hormone production. Um, but it's not testosterone related at all. And so I hope that helps. Thoughts on Cialis. It is the best men's ed drug ever. And, um, we've used daily use Cialis. 'cause the issue is, um, when you, when you give somebody a, like, like Viagra, right? They have a four hour window, and so you have to give 'em the whole dose right then. So that's a big rush of vasodilation. That's where all the side effects come from. Migraines, headaches, blurred vision, all these things. Guys turn beet red, um, with Cialis, the, the p R n, which means the as needed dose is like 20 milligrams. And that's a big rush also. And some guys go, man, I take blood pro, or I take, uh, Cialis and I just feel like crap like every time I take it. (00:18:20): Well, what's amazing about Cialis, Viagra lasts four hours, right? It's in and out. It's gone. Um, Cialis lasts three to four days in the body. So you can take little doses every day and it stair steps up to a big amount in your body, a good amount in your body, but you never introduce that huge rush of vasodilation all at once. That causes the side effects. So we start guys on this. Even guys that say, man, I've taken Cialis before. I feel terrible on it. I don't want it. We say, just try, you know, just a couple days, try this little daily use pill, and all of a sudden they're back. And the beauty of daily use, ciis, I take it every day. I keep it next to my toothbrush every morning I brush my teeth, I take a little piece of that trophy and I'm good to go. (00:19:04): Um, I never have to worry about spontaneity. It's always there every time you need it. You're also getting a lot more nocturnal and morning erections, and that's great exercise for the penis. It's literally all it can do. Um, but as we get older, it's a proven fact, guys', penises get smaller because you stop having erections, right? So this brings that back into play, but you don't have to like time it and keep a pill in your pocket and, you know, worry about, oh, am I getting this right from a, from a frequency or a timing perspective as well. That's awesome. All right. And so Joshua said, or before that Stone said it helps with blood pressure too. It is literally on label for blood pressure. A lot of doctors are taking guys off of like 10 milligram Cialis, or excuse me, 10 milligram lisinopril, uh, which is a, an anti-hypertensive. (00:19:50): It's a blood pressure med and putting them on Cialis instead because of the additional benefits. It's healthy for your prostate, it's healthy for your blood pressure, it's healthy for your sex life and your, your penile health as well. So it's awesome. Um, Joshua said he started taking Lin and had massive cramps. It's not really common. No. If you're gonna consider Lin, I would say consider Ipamorelin along with CJC 1295. Um, Lin a lot of times is compounded with something called RP two or RP six, but that compound kicks off the growth hormone production in the body, and the Samin doesn't allow it to stop. So basically like the G H R P, it opens the door and Samin is the wedge that you put under the door to keep it open, right? But it only lasts like 20 minutes. Well, if you get ilin and you compound it with C J C, C J C kicks the door open and Ipamorelin becomes the wedge, but it lasts four hours. (00:20:48): And so for that reason, that half-life difference, we grossly prefer ilin, and we see much, much better results. Um, the, the cramps, I would assume, um, are unrelated, but also a lot of times things when you start taking medications like you're in the gym more, some other things will change all at once. And so I would kind of look at those adjacent changes more than the, the samor in itself. Um, and so, man, cheers mate. 72. Thank you. I really appreciate that. That's awesome. All right, electrolytes, I, you know, I'm a big, if you're an athlete, guys, you cannot hardly get enough sodium. Sodium gets a bad wrap. Um, you know, but there's electrolyte drinks, there's electrolyte mixes to go in drinks. You can also just put salt in your water. And some of these like cave salts and Himalayan sea salt, they have trace minerals with that, that kind of span the electrolyte spectrum. (00:21:42): Um, use those. But one thing to keep in mind, um, don't get rid of iodized salt in your house either, because iodine is crazy important in our body. It's actually the foundation that all of our thyroid hormone comes from. So a lot of guys get into an iodine deficiency when they switch over to the electrolyte heavy salts. Um, just because they're not iodized. That's literally why the government iodized salt, why the government allows for iodized salt is to keep our thyroid production up. And so how many milligrams daily? Um, I think we're talking about Cialis on that. Um, we recommend five to six milligrams daily starting out for most guys. And what that does is tremendous from a sexual, most guys, they can have moderate to, like, now, if they have severe ed, it's not enough. But most guys like mid-range on the spectrum down, um, game changer. (00:22:36): And especially if you don't really have Ed, but you're just not 19 years old again, you can kind of feel that change, man, you're back. It's crazy. Your wife's gonna call us up and complain. , we've legitimately had that happen before. Um, soft magnesium, yeah. Et cetera. All the, the full spectrum man. Keep all the, the electrolytes in your body that you can. Um, you know, I, we go through, in our house, we go through a boatload of Gatorade, zero. It's a good source. Um, but we have literally like two or three big twist containers of Himalaya and Pink Sea salt, and I use that all the time. So, all right. Yeah. Guys, again, if you, if you don't mind, we're trying to spread the word on some of this stuff. Again, there's so much crazy misinformation. So do us a favor and give us a few likes. (00:23:24): If you don't mind, give us a share or two. Um, that'd be great. So what kind of c j c? We, we use CJC 1295. And, um, it's actually compounded in the same vial with the ior. And so when you rehydrate the vial, it's all in there at the exact appropriate dose. So our monthly dose is 15 milligrams of the lin, which, or excuse me, Ipamorelin, which is roughly like 420 micrograms a day, which is a great dose. And it's compounded along with six milligrams of the C J C as well. And so, um, a good clinic to get blood testing done, we're the cheapest. You know, we don't make money on labs. You can go to T Nation and reach out to us if we can't, you know, we only work in seven states if we can't help you. We're, we have relationships with, uh, fantastic clinics in all 50 states. (00:24:15): And I, I, I'm not trying to direct traffic to us with that statement, but I know we will give you the best deal. And there's no obligation, there's no strings attached with our lab testing. Um, I'm also in the process of putting out, you guys will, this is kind of a sneak peek, but we are, um, launching a company called Budget Blood Work. It'll be out in two to three weeks. And it is literally accessible blood work to the average person for pennies on the dollar. What you would pay retail at LabCorp. I'm so happy and so proud to be able to bring this to you guys. Um, it's gonna be phenomenal. So if you want to get a bunch of lab work, you know, look, it's kind of illegal for your doctor to just go, oh, what are you curious about? And, and you're using your insurance. (00:24:56): And he goes, yeah, let's look at this and this and this and this and this. There must be medical necessity in order to justify the expense to the insurance company. So that's why your doctor won't run these labs on you a lot of times that you're interested in because he doesn't feel there's medical necessity. And so with us, it's cash. There's no medical necessity, there's no insurance requirements for anything. And our cash price is literally, literally gonna be less than 10 cents on the dollar retail at LabCorp. So this is something we've been working on for two years. We've had to have a very special custom built, um, account at LabCorp for them to allow us to do this in a telemedicine fashion, but it's gonna be available to the entire country, all 50 states, and, um, it's amazing. And so we're gonna have all the different packages based on autoimmune disorders or cardiovascular risk or whatever it might be for you guys. (00:25:42): So, all right, IGF LR three has maybe, yeah, it can, you know, some of these growth hormone peptides, they are, they are mimics or analogs of something called ghrelin. And ghrelin is a hunger hormone. If you guys have heard of MK 6, 7 7 or Ibut amorin, it's a growth hormone, um, G H R P six that gets compounded with Lin. It's a growth hormone. And if you take those, absolutely it will elicit a tremendous hunger response. Um, sometimes that's bad if you're trying to lean out and lose weight. However, if you're trying to bulk or if you have like some kind of sarcopenic disorder, a muscle lacing disorder, um, it's the best thing ever, right? So it just depends on the situation. But when it's used in the wrong application, it's a nightmare because of those hunger hormones. And so Celtic Salt, yes sir, great stuff. (00:26:33): Um, fixing to start 200 milligrams split into two doses a week. It depends, you know, what your lab work looks like. Um, that's a, that's a little too much for some, we have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of patients on that dose also. So maybe, maybe not. Just watch your side effects, you know, once you get started. Um, and that'll help. How much tea for a woman to boost her libido. We start women at roughly 20 milligrams a week, and um, that gets them above like a one 50. So we would keep our women somewhere between one 50 and two 50. There's some amazing research out recently that shows if you keep women above one 50 testosterone, regardless of estrogen consumption, their breast cancer incidents, uh, cuts in half, which is, oh my God, like if we can cut breast cancer incidents in half, right? (00:27:23): One out seven women get breast cancer. Um, it's one out of 14 at our clinic and we don't have any women getting it. 'cause we treat young women and we contraindicate on the breast cancer things. But, um, if you can do that, that's incredible, right? So keeping a woman between one 50 and two 50 is a good safe range. They don't, the ization issues and the masculinization issues don't start until like 400, 4 50. They will get some hairs in certain places, and some women will feel like a clitoral enlargement once they get up near that two 50. Um, it increases sexual performance and, you know, sexual benefit. But some people, the, you know, just the actual visual of the increase, they don't like it. Other women do love it. So that'll be a very individual thing for, for that woman. And so, all right, let me see here. What's wrong with my audio guys? Gimme some feedback. Um, is it too loud? (00:28:23): All right, is that better? Okay, person Carson Daily, I got that yesterday. , I got Forrest Goop a couple days ago. We get all kinds of stuff. Do we help in Kentucky? We don't, but we do have an affiliate in Kentucky. So just send us an email, um, to T Nation there. You can go to our site and get it and we will introduce you to the same. Um, yeah, and some like growth factors, man. They are, they're good. I will tell you this though guys, you'll see some of these like LR threes with something called dak. It's called the Drug Affinity complex. Don't take that. Um, there have been a couple studies in the last couple years and these are rat studies, but they would have IGF LR three studies and then have, you know, that was one group of rats and they had another group that had the IGF LR three with dak, the drug affinity complex component. (00:29:11): It increases the halflife from just like a few hours to several days, right? So the, the burden that it puts on the pituitary is much greater. Well, in a couple of these studies, all of the rats died in the DAK group. So we don't, they don't know. I say we like, I was a part of that, I wasn't a part of that, but, um, they don't know why. And so for that reason, I had a bottle with igf, LR three with dak. Um, I threw it in the trash. I'm not touching that stuff. So, alright, 0.3, 0.4, three times a week. Is that a large amount? One thing that I, I want you guys to start doing when you're talking about your doses, uh, 0.4 is a volumetric measurement, right? It's not how much is in the 0.4, you can get, you can get testosterone from 100 milligrams per ml, one 50 milligrams, 200, even two 50, all per ml, right? (00:30:03): So the 0.4 just says how much of that ML you're drawing up. So try to use the milligrams. So basically 0.4, if that was of 100, you would say, I'm taking 40 milligrams. And if you're taking 0.4 of 200 milligrams, you would say I'm taking 80 milligrams three times a week. That gives someone a much better idea of the dose. 'cause it's kinda like say I'm taking one pill. Well, how, what's the pill? Right? How much is in the pill? So keep that in mind, but 0.43 times a week, I mean, even at the 200, that's not a crazy dose. You know, if that's, that's, even if that's the high level, if that's at a 100 dose, it's by no means whatsoever a big dose. So you're doing good. Randy. Libby, what's up, sir? I'm doing great today, man. Happy Sunday. Blood work. Is blood work. (00:30:48): Been needing to run my absolute blood work. Tells all y'all it really, really does. If you're curious about something going on, um, don't start taking medication first. You know, just get your labs tested, right? I mean, you might find something in there that explains it. You might find the smoking gun, you might realize, shit, I don't need testosterone at all. And I was about to load up on that stuff. Um, it, you know, let the blood work kind of steer you and also truly understanding your symptoms. But the blood work, it will keep you from making a mistake with something, um, that you're doing. And so awesome, David, we'll be in touch with you buddy. Appreciate you. Our monthly costs, we are a little bit expensive. We are 2 99, but we give you a lot more than most other clinics. You get, obviously the testosterone we give every single patient that gets testosterone, something called en opine citrate. (00:31:36): It's not Clomid, it's Clomid little brother. It's got a much shorter half-life, but it protects your testicular function while you're on testosterone. It doesn't do that tremendously. H C G was a better product, but H C G has been pulled from compounders, so we can't do that. Guys that need Anas result, we're not the biggest fans of it, but some guys definitely need it. You get the Anas result. We also give you unlimited consultations. We give you unlimited blood work. There's never up charge for any of that. We ship everything to your house. You get a dedicated account manager. Uh, and also we have military and first responder discounts as well to 10%. So if you're military or first responder or a teacher, you get, it's 2 69, otherwise you get all of that and it's 2 99. Um, we'll remind you when it's time to go to the lab. (00:32:21): We stay on top of everything for you. You never have to, to lift a finger to make it happen. And so women tend to be extra sensitive to tests, so they respond well, some do, man, we get crazy results with our women. I mean, crazy, crazy results with our women. Um, I started this company as a men's health clinic because there were no resources for men to get this kind of help. And I had no interest in treating women at all. I was like, I don't want to treat women. They have people that can treat them, but all these women saw the results that we were giving their husband and they were like kicking our doors down. And I'm like, all right, come on in. You know? And I sent all my practitioners to get super well trained on the female side, and we're so glad we did. (00:32:59): Because when you can fix a couple together, it just changes their whole life, you know? And you can look at our reviews on our site, uh, or our Google site. I mean, we've saved marriages, marriage after marriage after marriage because we'll put 'em both on there and they're like, oh my God, we're back. They thought they were both assholes. They just, you know, just, they lost their zeal. They lost their, you know, their, that appeal to life, you know, and they just, everybody to them was a jerk, including their spouse. And once they felt better about themselves, they felt better about the world, then they felt better about their spouse. So I am not in the us Can I send my blood work? David? I wish we could. It's actually illegal for us to consult with patients outside the us. I totally wish we would. (00:33:40): Uh, we're actually looking at the potential of opening up some clinics in the UK because there is absolutely no help over there. So if you're over there, you know, give us six or eight months, it looks like we'll be opening up, um, a couple of shops, but over here, I'm afraid our hands are tied. The doctor said, your estrogen elevated. 2 29 46. Hey, certified. I'm gonna need you to clarify that a little bit. If your estrogen level is 2 29, that's a high level, you're gonna need some anastrozole with that for sure. And so how long does it take frag 1 76 to work or see results? Um, all of these, all of these peptides, they are multipliers for what you do, right? We tell these guys all the time, if you take testosterone and you sit on the couch, you're gonna feel better. You, you're just gonna feel better, right? (00:34:31): You're gonna sleep better. Also, your brain's gonna be more protected. Your heart and your bones, everything's gonna be more protected. If you take these peptides and you don't do anything, you're not gonna get anything from it, right? So multiplying anything by zero is zero, right? Multiplying something by a little bit, right? You, you're not gonna get great results, but the more you put into it, right? High volume, high intensity, working out, you know, just crazy resistance training. Also high protein. Make sure your, your macros are on point. Make sure your calories are in a surplus. Uh, manage stress, manage sleep, like do all the right stuff. Then these peptides can they actually have a real chance to, to multiply something fantastic. And so it, you're gonna get the results of each one of these peptides based on the work you do. In our experience, the peptide that's giving guys the most, um, result with the least amount of side effects, that's, that's key. (00:35:25): Um, is the ior. And with the CJC 1295, look, guys, we get all, we get access to everything, you know, straight up growth, like whatever. Uh, running straight up growth, it is so problematic. Cortisol, prolactin, uh, blood sugar issues are rampant, right? This is why, you know, bodybuilders are pinning insulin once or twice a day now, um, we don't recommend that, right? I don't see a risk reward when you can get like 60 to 70% of those same benefits from a high dose ipi. And like we give, um, none of the side effects. Cortisol's great prolactin's, great blood sugar, barely bumps, you know? But if you're lifting, that's not gonna be a big deal. And, um, it's just so much safer. And again, if you can gimme 70% of the results of something at pennies, you know, as compared to dollars and no side effects, that's a no-brainer. (00:36:11): You know, so you guys keep that in mind. Um, all right, what else? I just started prescribed 200 milligrams. That's awesome. If you're taking 200 milligrams, guys, make sure you split it into two, um, two shots a week. You do not want to be doing that once a week. I mean, you can, it's not gonna hurt you. But think about this. Let's say that shot gets you to a thousand. Well, the Cate and Anant, they're roughly seven to eight day half-lifes. If on Monday you're at a thousand and you don't take your shot until next Monday, you're at 500 before you take your shot next Monday, right? Seven day, half-life. So you've lost half of it in a week. That's a pretty big rollercoaster, right? You don't want be going from a thousand to 500 every week, where if you pin twice a week, it barely like the, the, the, the peak to trough is like a couple hundred points max. (00:36:56): And that's less than the average, like 25 year old walking around with the average 25 year old. Let's say he's, he walks around at a thousand. If he goes out and he's blasted all weekend and he's tired and doesn't get any sleep, I mean, he'll be at 500 on Monday too. It's just that natural homeostatic, um, balance, right? It puts a lot of stress on his body. It'll, you know, all your hormones depressed. So we can keep guys more homeostatic in balance with two shots a week than, uh, most 25 year olds if they're not living life, you know, as smooth as possible. And so I fraction, I agree with you, they do mega dose of rats. And that's one thing that's a great point. Um, when you're looking at like erythritol studies, right? There's been a new erythritol study with rats. Um, they gave got, they gave these rats the equivalent of what it would, would be like 55 diet Cokes a day, right? (00:37:44): And some of them got cancer. Well, no shit, right? Who's drinking 55 diet Cokes a day? Like, let's give these rats the equivalent of two to three diet Cokes a day and see, uh, but that makes a good point. But still, all the rats died in the group, right? So there, there was something there and the other component didn't. They didn't, you know, so I, I'm not saying we know anything about what that was, but it's just, I, it just scares me personally. So I don't know. But yeah, great point. All right. Rojas levels are one 20 now. He's at 1100. I know you're feeling so much better. I love it. And so, all right, you've seen it up to 400 mil. Yeah, those are, uh, not legal US labs, but you will, you can a hundred percent find that on the internet in a, a couple places, that's for sure all what if you have low T but you feel great, um, in our medical opinion, you don't have low t you have adequate testosterone. (00:38:44): Low T is a, is a condition associated with symptomatology and numbers, right? But the symptomatology must be there in order to justify the condition of low testosterone. So you just have below level averages of testosterone that are optimal for you, which is great. You know, your body will tell you when you're low, you know what I'm saying? Like the, the, the indicators will come on, on the dash for sure. And so what Esther, I said Ether, but Esther, we are a cate. Most of the, um, compounding in the US we can get other, other, um, Esthers, but I prefer Cate because it has a two day half-life and it helps you manage your schedule, right? If you're gonna do two shots a week or three shots a week, it keeps you super steady on that, you know? So, um, I'm in Italy, but we'll go to uk. (00:39:40): Yes, sir, we'll let you know, and we will damn sure let you know that's something that we're working on. There are no good resources in the UK for guys at all, man. It's, it's terrible. Um, so we'll let you guys know. Average tee of a 50 year old, 100 to 300, no. So this is, I fight. So one of my jobs guys, I'm an educator, I also own a company called Cash-based clinics, and I teach doctors how to do this, right? I teach them how to implement H r t weight loss ed and peptide therapies into their clinic. And this is one of the things that I fight them on. I'm like, there's no such thing as, there should be no such thing as, what's the average 50 year old level, right? Your level when you are optimal, let's say when you were 22 or 23, that should be your level for the rest of your life. (00:40:29): When you are 90, that's your optimal level. Now, the fact that our bodies are falling apart, and this is another thing, guys, keep this in mind. The average 30 year old right now has one half of the testosterone that the average 30 year old did 50 years ago. That's a, that's, again, that's not an opinion, that's not anecdotal from what we've seen. That's a, that's a tried and true. Um, that's proven, right? So if the average 30 year old now is 50% lower than, than, you know, um, 50 years ago, like, is that normal now or should that before have been normal? And also, let's say the guy's at a thousand when he is 30 and then he is at 500 when he is 50. Well, is this normal now or is this just an indication that we are falling apart, right? Our environment's falling apart, our food sucks, the stress is crazy. (00:41:19): These phones that we're on all the time or driving us down, we're all, we all just in front of all these artificial lights constantly. Our bodies are falling apart. So the number that everybody else is at, at a particular age is not normal, right? It might be the average, but it's not normal, right? So we believe in optimal level. So let's say most guys had a pretty good number when they were 21, 22. Um, that number for most guys is somewhere between 900 to 1200. And that's where we, that's where we come from. So if your granddad's nine 90 years old, um, we're gonna put him there. He'll feel better, he'll feel like he's alive again, I promise you. So, um, another thing too is when we're talking about normal, if you go to Quest, the high watermark for testosterone's 1200, where if you go to LabCorp now, it's like 9 64. (00:42:07): And on other local labs I've seen it as low as 800. Well, how the hell can the same guy be 800 and normal here, right? At the high watermark, but 1200 and way too high here? Like that doesn't make any sense. So the numbers are very, um, they matter, right? But they're just bumpers on the lane for us. So we don't throw a gutter ball at too low or too high, and then we figure out exactly how to navigate that individual patient. Um, there, is it okay to take T R T and H G H together? Absolutely. Um, but be careful with either growth hormone. If you're take a straight growth, be very careful and, you know, potentially consider a peptide, you're gonna get equal results, you know, unless you're just crushing it in the gym. Um, and then you know it's gonna cost you less and you're gonna have less side effects. (00:42:52): So, all right. It's another thing too, guys. So Christopher J 71 just said, total test could range from 300 to 1200. Absolutely, right? Another thing to keep in mind about these lower end ranges, right? They're the, the average of people taking these tests across the country. Well, think about this. Sick people take tests way, way, way more than healthy people, right? And also guys that are in their forties, their doctors don't test. They, they don't test testosterone for most guys in their forties. Unless you're feeling bad. If you're feeling, if you go to your doctor and you're like, man, I'm feeling depressed, I'm anxious, I'm exhausted, I got no libido, I don't wanna have sex. He's like, all right, let's test your testosterone. So the people getting tested typically are sick and they have rott because they're talking about it where the guys that have much, much better numbers don't get tested and excuse these results, right? (00:43:46): 'cause when you're only testing sick people, the quote unquote, normal is normal for sick, not normal, for normal, because we're not testing the normal guys. I, you can tell I'm a little passionate about this. I, I can get on a rant, so I'll, I will digress for now. All right. What else? Samin did absolutely nothing for me to compare to Growth hormone. Um, I touched on this a little bit earlier, Alan or Elaine. Um, you have, if you're gonna take Samin or ilin, you have to take something to kick off that growth hormone production process, right? Lin and Ipamorelin are simply somatostatin blockers. They stop the process from stopping, but they don't start it. They don't initiate it, right? So when your body makes growth hormone, um, your liver turns the growth hormone into IGF one, IGF one turns into somatostatin and somatostatin shuts the door, right? (00:44:39): So we can keep that door open if we stop the cycle right here. So taking some oil and by itself is not gonna do the trick most of the time. So that's why typically at a good clinic, you'll get it compounded with something like G H RRP two, g h, rrp, six, uh, c J c, something along those lines. So 0.5 every week of a 200, that's cool certified, um, you'll feel a little more stable if you do like 0.25, you know, Monday, Thursday. But that's still great. And so, alright, another thing at, uh, lazy, you brought up a good point was the blood work done in the morning. Who cares? I don't mean to be disrespectful to you, but like that, I hate when doctors go, yeah, we need two reads. They have to be before 9:00 AM. I'm like, what if the guy feels like shit at two o'clock in the afternoon, right? (00:45:29): Like, that's what I want to see. Like, like, show me your numbers when you feel bad that way. I know how to treat the way you feel. I'm not here to just move numbers around on spreadsheets. You know, that's not our marker of success. Our marker of success is we feel better, you know? And if they feel better, then hey, we're getting there. That's awesome. You know, so we don't care about morning tests. I don't care at all, right? Like, go when you're, they're the lowest, you know, I want to see what's going on with those. And so how good is 7 68, uh, testosterone with the 1 38 free? Um, again, it depends on the way you feel, right? If you feel terrible, then that's a one, right? If you feel great, that's a 10. But that thir that 1 38 on our scale is a 13.8. (00:46:16): We keep that number between 20 and 30. That's our primary metric that we, that we diagnose and prescribe by. So based on that, you're about half of where we would have you. Um, so if you do feel bad, you've got a lot of room to move up, for sure. And so, levels of 77, man, bill, get on that testosterone. Sir, I'm glad you're waiting on your first dose. Um, I'd love to hear that you're gonna feel like a different man. That that number is not only it impacts your quality of life, it messes with your brain, it messes with your heart, it messes with your bones. Um, good on you man, for, for getting that, that going. I love it. Um, what age do you get your blood work done? It's a great question. When you start feeling not great, you know, now I, I also like this, you know, this is a hard sell for a lot of people because it will take a little bit of money outta their pocket. (00:47:08): But if you have a, if you're 22, 23, or let's say you're a 45 year old dude with a 2 22 or 23 year old, um, son, get their levels checked, right? Because that's a good baseline. If they feel great and they're healthy and strong, get their baseline checked and that way they have something to compare it to when the wheels start to wobble, right? When things kind of go sideways and they're like, man, could it be my testosterone? And let's say they come back and they're at a six 50. Well, my, that, that number's great for some guys, right? The guy earlier, he said he was at a three 70 and he felt great. Well, that number's great then. Um, but the six 50 can be ambiguous because if at 22 years old, that guy was at a 1300, yeah, he's at half of what he needs. (00:47:48): But at 22 when he felt great, if he was at a 700, um, it's not the testosterone. That's not what's going on. So that baseline can help as a reference point to really understand where you're at with some of these other, um, issues down the road. My libido doesn't work. , it will, when you get on this testosterone, um, yeah, test tends to help sip causes H two retention with me. Okay? Um, this, so this is Elaine again. Um, good questions, man. I appreciate, I'm gonna call you Alan. I think it's Alan Juve. Um, C eight. I fight guys on this all the time. C eight does not cause water retention, right? Um, any more than any of the other estrogens do. What causes water retention is estrogen, right? If you guys think about P M Ss, uh, p m s is simply one thing in the female body, and that is a, is a physiologic response to elevated estrogen levels. (00:48:51): Hey babe, will you make me a cup of coffee, please? Yes. Um, it's an elevated, it's elevated estrogen, right? What happens? Their nipples get sensitive. Some women get emotional, but they retain water. It's their fat days. They don't add fat, right? They're retaining water. It's the estrogen. And so there's a lot of debate that says, well probe it causes less, um, estrogen retention. No, it doesn't. Serum levels, right? Serum levels of testosterone that are in your blood system that it, that integrates with an aromatase enzyme, aromatase grabs it and it turns it into estrogen. Um, the Esther doesn't matter. So some sters do this, they spike hard, right? If you're pinning prop like every day, you're getting super high levels of testosterone. Uh, possibly if you're running it hot where the, you know, if you're doing two shots a week with an ANATE or Cate, it's very steady. (00:49:44): Um, it's all about the estrogen conversion, you know? So, um, we don't offer a tri test, but we do have a, that's not true. Dale Pharmacy does have a prop sip. Uh, it's a prop sip. It's an 80 20 cypionate propionate blend. Um, but I don't even like that because it's just, you know, the propionate spikes, they don't do anything for you, right? Especially when you have a solid, steady baseline of working out. And this is where I kind of butt heads with bodybuilders because it's just old installed like bro science, like it's just been in the industry forever. Like, oh, you want to hit harder, you know, the day after your workout, well, your body is literally repairing itself from, uh, like hypertrophy occurs 48 hours after working out, right? That spike from propionate might last like 18 hours or something along those lines, you know what I mean? (00:50:34): So you want high steady levels for the entire 48 hour window, which means you gotta be steady, you know? So, um, hope that helps. All right, how can I get started on T R T and I'm 25 at our clinic, we don't take your age into consideration, um, because we take every single patient's fertility into consideration. So every single patient of ours gets opine. So I don't care if you're 25 or 85, we're gonna take care of your testicular function regardless. Even if you don't need it. Um, you do need it because they're downstream hormones like progesterone, pregnenolone and D H E A, those are significantly downregulated when you take testosterone without anything, uh, in support. And those hormones make guys feel better also. But if you're 25 and you have actual symptoms of low testosterone, right? And your numbers are low, we'll treat you and like all the time. (00:51:29): Now we're gonna do a couple additional fertility things. We're gonna recommend that you get a, um, a fertility test because also if your 25 and your testosterone levels are very low, your fertility levels may also be very low. And you need to know that, especially if you're 25 and you're like, you know what? 30 five's the new 30, I'm gonna wait till I'm 35. Well, if you have super low fertility levels at 25, you may not be able to wait till you're 35, right? So if we see those numbers are very low, we're gonna recommend, um, you know, the consideration of something like a cryo-preservation facility where you can go donate some and, um, have it preserved. So you will be able to, to have a baby in 10 years. So will six to eight month use of testosterone permanently shut down your production? Not typically. (00:52:16): We have seen short term use and some guys just completely knock their ability to make some off. But we also can't completely prove that. 'cause they may have just had terrible production before, right? So if you had levels before a check and then you did testosterone, you have levels after a check, um, typically six to eight months, you're gonna be fine. You're gonna rebound in a few months and you'll be okay. You know, I don't, I'm not recommending that guys don't do that. But, you know, for this guy's question, um, you'll probably be okay. Deer antler spray good for fertility. I hate to admit this. I hate to admit this deer antler, velvet actually does increase growth hormone production. Thank you. Mm-hmm. . Um, not much on the fertility side though, so I hate supplements. Most of them are just garbage bss just marketing crap. (00:53:05): Um, they work, they work, you know, the deer end was spray works. So lift heavy rest, three days lift again. I love it. That works as long as everything else is working right? Some guys though, their testicular function is just shot and they're, you know, the, it's not bad advice to say, Hey, man, lift heavy sleep. Well, you know, hit macros and your testosterone will go up. Yeah. Unless their testicular function is compromised. And then it's frustrating, right? They're like, shit, I'm doing all this stuff. I'm doing what my trainer's saying. I'm doing what my, like, you know, what's going on. Um, with our blood work, we can tell if your testicular function has the potential to increase, and that's by looking at LH and F S H. If they are low, that's the signal, right? That's the, the pedal on the car, if you will, for testosterone production. (00:53:52): So if you're not pushing the pedal at all, right? Um, we, we, we have room to push the pedal, but if LH and F S H are up and like past a four, um, you've got the pedal to the metal, there's nothing you can do. Deadlift, squats, it doesn't matter. Um, your sleep's not gonna make a difference. That means the, the very last signal to the testicles to make testosterone is being, um, engaged. And your testicular function can't respond. That means the cellular function in those late cells that makes testosterone, it can't respond. And there's nothing you can do environmentally or socially or anything that's gonna make a difference with that. So, um, Allen, just hit us, man, we'd be happy to help you out in any way. Um, it's three IUs too much, h g h to take, man. It is for me, like this is where I, I do digress because a lot of guys get a lot of great side effects from that, but, or excuse me, a lot of great benefit from that, but they get crazy side effects from it. (00:54:50): It costs 'em a fortune, right? And I just don't see the risk reward, especially when you're talking cost effectiveness as well. So there's no way I would take it, you know? Um, you know, but a lot of very, very healthy guys. Do you know, like three IUs is a good amount. Keep an eye on your cor your cortisol levels. Keep an eye on your prolactin levels. Um, make sure your blood sugar's not, you know, getting outta hand, keeping an eye on your A one C and your fasting insulin to make sure you're not getting on that type two spectrum. And, uh, you might be okay at that level, but not a, we look, we have almost a thousand patients concurrently right now. Um, not one of them is on that much growth hormone. And our patients look like bad asses. I mean, they're 60 year olds with six packs. (00:55:35): You know what I mean? So it's not necessary if you're willing to do the right things. And look, there are other things too. If you're not willing to do those right things, you can take all the growth hormone in the world, you're not gonna get the six pack. So focus on the behaviors and the activities and the lifestyle and the environment that would give you the six pack and focus less on that growth hormone. So blood test 36 level was 44, now it's 8 47. Brandon, you probably saved your life, bro. Like, that's that testosterone level of 44. Like, that's like you would've got dementia or Alzheimer's or had a terrible heart or whatever. So great job. Congratulations. Um, Alan, currently on t r t instead of Lin. Look at Ipamorelin, compounded with CJC 1295. That is a home run peptide. It's the best thing we have going, uh, it's beautiful ior and Brent said, well, he stole my thunder. (00:56:30): Brent says, cjc 1295 plus IOR and plus test equals amazing. I agree. All right. Um, Anthony missed your take on anastrozole, so I don't love it. Um, however, a hard and fast rule at a clinic that says we don't use anastrozole, it, it kicks a bunch of their guys in the face because some guys aromatase at a much, much higher rate than others. I don't really care what a guy's estrogen level is, but I care about estrogenic symptomatology, right? Estrogenic side effects. So if a guy's like emotional, if he's retaining water, if his nipples are killing him, uh, you gotta get that guy's estrogen level down. Now, if his testosterone level is sky high, we could turn the big dial, you know, testosterone's a big dial and everything downstream is gonna turn down. So we turn that down. But if his, if his testosterone level is just kind of fine, let's say he's at a 900, but his estrogen is at a 1 25 and he's having estrogenic issues, yeah, man, we're gonna give that guy enough anastrozole to get his estrogen into a healthy level, right? (00:57:38): I hate dive bombing estrogen. Estrogen's critical. Your heart needs the endothelial and your arterial walls need it. Your brain needs it. Your penis needs it. Like your erection quality goes to nothing when you drop your, uh, estrogen levels down. So an razzo, it gets a really bad wrap, but, um, it's, it gets a bad rap because doctors over-prescribe it. The commercially available dose is one milligram, right? Starting at one milligram, we get it. Almost a thousand patients. We might have like 15, 20 guys at one milligram maybe. And that's what a lot of guys do. They, Hey, here's the a hundred milligrams a test. I want you to take one or two of these anastrozole a week. And the guy feels terrible. Well, he is blaming the anastrozole, but anastrozole is just doing what it was asked to do. It's just in, it's gotta be done in a granular approach, right? (00:58:25): You can't just jump in the deep end with this. You gotta walk down the stairs. So, um, what's next? Low dose Clomid is calling. Yeah, Clomid is a nightmare, man. Um, we use en clomophine for testicular, um, support. It's, it's different. Clomid is called Clomophine citrate. It's got a seven to 10 day half-life, depending on the manufacturer. Um, n clomophine has about a 10 hour half-life. So it jumps on that estrogen receptor and it jumps off. But that little bit of time that is on there, it stimulates testicular function. And that is what is going to take the atrophy out of play. Um, I don't like Clomid. The only time that we give guys Clomid is if they're family planning and we flat out tell these guys, I mean like, Hey man, you're probably gonna run into some symptoms, but don't complain about it. 'cause your wife is about to carry another human being inside her for 40 weeks, so it doesn't really equate, right? (00:59:20): So, um, all right. Needed for some men, but can be dangerous. I'm not sure what we were talking about there is low t considered medical. So I can write it off on my I R Ss. I don't, you can't write it off as a tax, um, thing. However, if you have an H S A or an F s A, you know, a lot of companies like mine can take that for sure. Um, but I mean, it's not gonna be a tax write off, I'm afraid. Do we prescribe H C G with t R T instead of Clomid? We used to. I love H C G, it's fantastic. We actually do prescribe it from commercial pharmacies for some of our guys that want to go and pay for it. It's expensive. Um, but if our guys want to go and pay the additional expense, we're happy to write that prescription. (01:00:03): No pharmacy or no con no, excuse me, no, t r t clinic like mine in the country can get it from compounding pharmacies anymore. So two things happen. We either have to write the prescription or you go to C V s or Walgreens or you know, Publix or whatever and get it. Or we can buy it wholesale, which is really expensive, and then we can resell it to you. Uh, that's just not cost effective because the end clomophine, it works very well. It's just not quite as good as H C G. So H C G is still on the market commercially, it's just not on the market at all from a compounding pharmacy anymore. How do you All right. Can two high testosterone combined with low estrogen cause fatigue and other issues. It's not the high testosterone, it's the low estrogen, right? Um, high testosterone doesn't make anybody feel bad. (01:00:57): It's the downstream effect that can be too much estrogen or too much D h t. Those can cause issues. And also low estrogen from typically taking too much, um, of an ai, an aromatase inhibitor can cause that problem as well. And so that's gotta be addressed. So if you're taking, if your estrogen is low and you're taking an an ai, stop the ai. And we also have several guys that we literally write an estrogen cream for. So they get their testosterone, they do their two shots a week, and they do an estrogen cream every day because for whatever reason, their body just makes no estrogen. Okay? So you gotta keep those estrogen levels high, um, 56 and competed for over 10 years and stopped using gear for a year. And I feel it. Yeah. You know, if you, um, if you ran gear for 10 straight years, your testicular functions probably shot. (01:01:47): Your testosterone levels are probably in the tank. We deal with a ton of guys, Tim, that, that are in the exact same boat and we just put 'em on a, a good therapeutic healthy dose of testosterone and they're like, Ugh, I'm back. And a healthy dose, right? So you don't want to be at these crazy high levels. You also don't want to be at these crazy low levels. And there's the potential, you know, we'd have to look at your blood work that you are, um, at that low level because your body just can't make anymore. So, all right. Is it abnormal to have four hundreds? H B G? Yeah, man. Well, okay, so it depends on the, um, the lab that you're on. So, 400 total with a S H B G of 11. Your, your, your free tea was probably like mid twenties or something like that. (01:02:41): Low twenties. That's a great number, man. As long as you keep that free tea between 20 and 30, most guys feel amazing. That's it. So, um, you know, take a, uh, take that for what it's worth. So, hey guys, one more thing. If you guys don't mind. It's been a few minutes just to ask this. Give us some love with the likes, if you don't mind. I'm trying to get this information out there and share this. Um, we're gonna start doing lives at least every other day, a lot of times daily. And they're, we're gonna have topic, very specific topics like ed one day, peptides one day, like some more, or excuse me, um, uh, semaglutide weight loss one day, whatever it might be. So I want the people to have access to this. So I appreciate it so much. It's short term, low dose en clomophine or ch Clomid better for fertility. (01:03:25): I hate to say it, ch Clomid is better, right? 'cause it's just, it's full bore. Um, the en clomophine kind of tiptoes in and tiptoes out where Ch Clomid, it's like the Kool-Aid man. It just jumps through the wall and it stays there, right? So, um, we recommend it. You know, we tell guys just suck up the side effects. Um, 'cause nothing's more important than trying to have a kid, right? If that's where you're at in life and you want to do it, then it's, it's worth the side effects when it's, when it's over. Um, just deal with the Clomid and something like 25 milligrams every other day is a good dose. Rarely do guys need to go above that when it comes to Clomid. And so odd, bud. Um, your level is at 2 32. That's why you're odd Bo . I'm just kidding. That's not nice. (01:04:09): Um, good for you though, man. I'm happy for you. That'll, you'll, you'll feel so much better. Um, should I consider t r t with three 19 and low estradiol? You should sit, Devin, you should consider T r t if you feel like you have low T Um, the primary indicators for testo for low testosterone are symptomatic. Um, more so than the numbers, right? So that three 19, yeah, it's a pretty good indicator, obviously, that your levels aren't where they need to be, but um, it's enough for some. So if you're at that level and you feel bad, like energy levels, fatigue, motivation, confidence, those kind of things, and also physiologically like you're losing muscle, you're gaining fat, you got no libido, erection quality's not great then. A hundred percent yes. (01:04:53): Um, Brandon's symptoms, the doc doesn't seem to be an expert on t RTSs or any specific blood tests I should be asking for. That is a fucking great question. Um, lh, F ss h. Those are the signals, right? So if those are high, I don't even care what your testosterone levels are, um, chances are they're not high enough. 'cause your body's literally going to give me more, right? So LH and f ss, h, those gonadotropic you wanna look at free and total testosterone, estradiol, and P s A, make sure your prostate's healthy. And so, um, those will make a really, even a bad doctor can look at those and go, oh, okay, yeah, I guess you do need testosterone. 'cause again, if LH and F ss fsh are above the four, it's inarguable, right? Your body's begging, it's begging for more. So in the, with the exception of a pituitary adenoma, that's a hundred percent of the time a low T situation regardless of what your T is, right? (01:05:48): Alright, my lemme see kidney disease stage two. Can I use T R T? Yes, you can. Um, be careful lifting, working out hard, right? What may you wanna make sure that you don't put a tremendous load on your body with like the creatine phosphokinase fallout. That can happen from, you know, like tough CrossFit workouts or like, you know, if you go do like a, a Spartan race or something. So be careful with that. But just the testosterone itself is not gonna hurt you at all. My levels came back at 2 81 and 29, seeing the doc again on Wednesday. Awesome. You don't need to be a doctor to prescribe this. You need to be a prescriber to prescribe this. Um, legally you gotta be a nurse practitioner, a PA, or a md because testosterone is a controlled substance and you need a d e a license in order to, um, to prescribe it. (01:06:40): And so, should I be taking the drug for testicular shrinkage? Is it necessary? Good question. That's the last thing I'm worried about, not worried about shrinkage. Um, the smaller your balls are, the bigger your junk looks, right? It's not that big of a deal. However, um, and so many guys come to us, guys, they're like, I'm 36, I've got a kid. I'm not, I don't worry. I'm not worried about my fertility at all. And we're like, we don't care. We're worried about your fertility. 'cause all my practitioners, they took an an oath to do no harm. And that's something that we take very, very seriously, right? Number one. Number two, the downstream hormones like progesterone, D H E A pregnenolone, those make a profound impact on the way a lot of guys feel. Okay? That's number two. And life changes. I mean, so many guys come to us and they're like now 42, and they're the guy that said, man, when I was 35, I didn't think I needed to take care of my testicular function anymore. (01:07:35): I had a kid, I was married, but then they got divorced and they meet a new girl and she wants a kid, and now they're in trouble. So we see these all the time. So guys will come at us with like, their perspective. I don't want a kid, I don't need this. And I'm like, take it from a clinic that has the perspective of having treated thousands and thousands of guys over the years. Um, just take it, man. She just, there's no reason in killing your testa function, because someday you might have to rely on it, right? And if you do, you're gonna regret it when it's not there. And also, you may need the fertility down the road. Like if you're, the, the argument can be made if you, if if you're 70 years old jumping on our program and you have no testicular function whatsoever, that's a valid argument, right? (01:08:16): We might not worry about that. However, you know, if you're a 40 year old dude, we're gonna give it to you. So yeah, take the opine, um, use it full time. I hate the idea of a P C T, like a post psychotherapy because you should be on testicular, um, support while you're on testosterone, not after, right? That means the damage is done. Not necessarily long-term damage, but the shutdown has already occurred. So hope that helps. I am not a doctor Chris Clark. I am a, an educator in the space. I teach doctors how to do this, but I can't prescribe to anyone. Um, I just, I pick this up in a different manner. Um, so I have doctors and nurse practitioners that work in my clinic that are patient facing. They're absolute ninjas at this. Um, I'm so proud of the technical ex expertise that we have in this, but it's not me that's patient facing in my clinics at all. (01:09:09): Um, all of my licensed in Florida, we are as a clinic, not me. Um, if you're working, if you are, uh, in Florida, we can definitely work with you. So just hit us up on the website. We're happy to do. Okay, Billy, this is a great question. I want to talk about this. Um, this is something that everybody needs to hear. What dosage of anastrozole do you recommend? And how often my estrodiol is in the fifties. The question is, do you have estrogenic issues, right? Nipple sensitivity, emotional instability. That just doesn't seem normal, right? Some guys have been a little anxious or a little, you know, emotionally ins, uh, unstable forever. The, the testosterone's, not the the culprit. If that's not new, right? But if you get on testosterone, your estrogen goes up, um, what do we do, right? Like, um, maybe nothing, right? I can keep my estradiol at a hundred and I feel great. (01:10:00): They, I I can't tell it, right? Um, we used to have guys that work for us. They could get theirs in the fifties and they felt terrible, like emotional. They'd even turn red a little bit. Um, so treat the symptoms, not the numbers, right? So if you're at a fifties and, um, and you you're having the symptoms go low, man, start with like a 0.1 twice a week, maybe a 0.3 once a week or something like that and see how you feel on that. But treat the symptoms when it comes to estrogen. Never ever treat the numbers, man. Don't treat the numbers. (01:10:35): I thought pushing these solutions was illegal. Nope. Hope not. I'm going to jail if that's the case. 'cause I've been doing this for a long time. Any issues with taking semaglutide and t r T and ilin? No, no, and no. Um, just be careful in the sense. So ilin, you're taking that to put on muscle, okay? Now, these have a very synergistic thing. If the semaglutide dose is too high and you're not eating enough and you're not getting enough protein, um, and if you're not resistance training, don't waste your money on the Epilim, right? But if you're resistance training and you're keeping your protein high enough and you're just using the semaglutide to stop binging and to stop overeating tremendously, the ipamorelin will help tremendously with the catabolic effect of that long-term deficit, right? So everybody knows when we lose fat, we also lose muscle. (01:11:31): Typically, um, T R T and Ipamorelin together can really mitigate and reduce that muscle loss big time. So yeah, absolute fantastic synergistic effect with Semaglutide, T R T and Ipamorelin. Can you use H C G if recently expired? Um, if it's dry still, if it has not been hydrated, its stuff never goes bad. H cgs only good for like 60 days once you hydrate it. So at that point, if it's expired, throw it away. Do I have bourbon in the base? Yes, sir. That is Whistle Pig and I love it. Concerned about traveling outta the country on t r t. It is a concern. Um, one thing that helps keep your prescription, if you have a prescription, keep it in what we call an insulin cooler. There are these little things that you can travel with. Um, they're meant for diabetics to travel with their medication. (01:12:23): So if you think about all the diabetics in the world, I mean, there's, there's millions and millions and millions of 'em, people that work in these airports across the world, they're used to seeing those insulin coolers with vials and needles in there. So that's your best bet. Now, in the us the T s a can't touch your stuff whatsoever, even if you don't have a prescription. But we have had patients traveling the world have their stuff confiscated. Um, but once we told them to start using those little insulin coolers, they're like 10 bucks on Amazon. Um, and keep their prescription in the actual container. No one's ever got it stolen. So, great question. What state are we in? We're in Georgia. We're licensed in North Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Alabama, Texas, and soon to be California. We're waiting on California, all right? Don't want to have to stick myself on vacation, but don't want test levels to drop. (01:13:16): I mean, one thing you can do, just we, we use 27 gauge half inch insulin needles, right? Tiny little needles. Lemme show you. Um, well these are thirties, but it's the same. These are the needles that we use for testosterone, right? A 27 gauge, because we're only drawing up half of the CC at a time. It draws it up in like 30 seconds. No big deal. Um, if you're gonna travel, you can preload a couple of these and you'll be good to go. Just, you know, hit yourself when you want. That way you don't have to manage your entire stash and all your vials and this and that, that's what I typically do. So all , so Burt, um, are the injections the only option? What about pills or lotions? No, there's a lot of options. There's patches, creams, gels, um, pellets. But from a physiologic like homeostatic perspective, all of those things do this constantly, right? (01:14:16): Up and down. You're all over the place. Pellets go up and down for like three or four months. Gels are outta your body in like 16 hours every day. So you're missing like eight hours of actual testosterone levels. Um, you're, you're, if you're doing two shots a week, you're just really static when it comes to the injections. But if you just flat out can't inject yourself, and that's a legitimate thing, a lot of guys can't in that case, then, um, look at a cream. Now you don't wanna look at commercially available creams like Axon or AndroGel because those are so lowly dosed. They're dosed terribly. Um, use a compounded cream because your doctor can put as much in that cream as he needs to do to get your levels to an optimal level, right? And those, they, the commercially available gels, um, are outrageously expensive too. So (01:15:07): Captain Crunch, your doctor sucks, man, no offense, but 2 48 and he says, fix your diet. You, I mean, you, you need a lot more information than that. He needs to know if your LH and F S H will even allow, um, for, you know, increased production. There's a lot of things to it. And also look at all the 25 year olds eating pizza, drinking beer all weekend and walking out round out a thousand. Diet has less impact than you think on this, to be honest. So face-to-face consult required for treatment? No, sir. We are a telemedicine clinic and, uh, we rarely do face-to-face. In fact, right now we don't even have an office because we are moving offices. And, um, but we rarely ever, ever see patients in our clinic. Most patients prefer the Zoom or, you know, just a phone call. And, uh, if someone does insist on putting a face with a name, that's fantastic. We're happy to see them. But most people don't want to, uh, waste their time driving across town and waiting around just to see somebody. So, all right. (01:16:13): So Ty Hallmark, um, we use for long-term support we use in clomophine. You can also use H C G if you get it from a pharmacy. And for short term fertility considerations. CLO is going to be the best. It's going to give you that, that ramp up of, you know, as much, um, sperm and semen production as you can possibly get. So Alan Kisspeptin, um, it is not great. Also, Gella, we, we prescribe Gella to guys that can't really tolerate the clomophine. There's a small percentage of guys, but it just doesn't work, right? The half-life for Kisspeptin and Gella is about five minutes. Um, it's not a lot of time for it to do what it needs to do. And another thing, you'll see the studies that show that it actually works. Read the abstract of those studies. They're using insulin pumps to pump it multiple times a day. (01:17:05): And so that's not, there's no room for that in a real life application. We're trying to get away. We don't use Kisspeptin at all anymore, and we're trying to get away from Canna redin with some other options as well. And so, so H C G. And so if my dad has low t will I have a higher chance of it? I don't think so. There's not a lot of research that supports that, although anecdotally we have a lot of father son combos, you know, but that's anecdotal. So there's no real research that shows there's any kind of heavy genetic prevalence, um, with when it comes to low T. So the ENT help with fat loss mixed with H it absolutely does. Ilin compounded with cjc 1295 is by far the best, though it kicks some Moreland's ass. Um, Lin has a 20 minute half life where Ilin has a four hour effective life. (01:17:59): So you're gonna get much, much more. Now, some people will say, well, Lin's stronger. It does increase the amplitude a little bit more. But that's like me saying, Hey, would you like a dollar a minute for 20 minutes or 75 cents a minute for four hours? Right? You're gonna get a lot more money with the four hour option. So, um, don't use Samin. And also if you do use Samin, make sure it's compounded with something to kick off that growth hormone process like RP two or G H P six, because Lin or Ipamorelin by themselves does not kick off the process of growth hormone production. Um, just me, 46, I work out. However, stomach and back fat don't go away. It's two things, man. It's either hormones or calories, right? So, um, the hormones, you can get it tested. Let's see what's up with that. And at the end of the day, if your hormones are fine, um, it's just calories, you know, I hate to simplify it that much, but at the end of the day, it kind of does come down to that. (01:18:58): Should I take a test to fight Zuck, ? Um, if in the U ss c if they offer it, yeah, you're gonna have to, we are located in the Marietta Square. Evan, um, I love it. Biot, Mikey Miller. I am not a fan of the pellets for men. We do the pellets for women. I, both of my nurse practitioners are Biot trained, um, practitioners. But those things, they get you sky high and they get you low again, right? They, they go up and up and up and they go down and down and down. There's a lot of pharmacokinetic studies that prove this, right? It's not just anecdotal, um, going up. What happens is, like, let's say this is your sweet spot. Well, you get up here and now you're making too much estrogen. You're making too, too much. D h t, you're, you're symptomatic. Like you're retaining water, your nipples hurt, you're getting acne, your hair's falling out, and then you can't treat the estrogen and d h t levels really, because they're always increasing and then they're always decreasing. (01:19:58): So if you try to treat them, um, how do you titrate up the medicine and titrate down the medicine to treat it right? So that's problematic. And also you gotta every four to five months and then start over again. And you gotta get the insertion. And guys, for men, it's, they, they cut a hole in your butt cheek and they, they take a three inch tube and they go this way, this way, and this way. And they drop three or four pellets in each one of those channels. Um, and you can't work out for like, the week after that. So I'm just not a fan of them. We like 'em for women 'cause it's one little channel. You pop one pellet in there, it's not that big a deal. And because it's one pellet instead of like 12 to 20, uh, their levels don't go all over the place. Crazy. But for guys, I promise you, we get guys on pellets all the time that hate it, and they're like, what the hell have I done to myself? And we just monitor them until they're back down to a level that we can treat and then we put 'em on a flat line and they just feel better every day and they don't have to deal with all those issues. (01:20:55): Um, be haven. The issue that this stuff sits in does not make any difference whatsoever. Ought absorption. So don't worry about it. Pellets don't peak in Valley, man. I teach doctors this. I've taught hundreds of doctors this, I see that you're an F M P, they are pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies that prove this. I mean, the manufacturers wanna say, oh, we baseline across. And they give you very specific intervals to test women and men that are on the way up, right? If you test a month later, each time, you're gonna see a much different result. So, um, Chris, um, my, my email is Um, send me an email. I'm happy to send you these results. Oh, these studies. And it's, it's, it'll make sense. Promise you test levels are one 17. Yeah, man, Aaron, get help somewhere. You know, we're happy to help if we can, but those levels are too low, like it is affecting your quality of life. (01:21:55): So, um, let us know if we can do anything for you. So, all right, this guy's trying to sell his stuff on my channel. We gotta block that. All right? Is it advisable to supplement testosterone with elevated P s A levels? Um, only after we do that, but after we get sign off from a actual, uh, urologist, and there's some amazing new research out there. There's a guy named Abraham Morgenthal. He's a Harvard trained badass. Um, there are, they are treating, um, prostate cancer now with super, super high levels of testosterone. Now that's oncology. We obviously can't do that. We never would do that. But there it is. The efficacy is now there, right? But, um, and also it's a proven point too. If your testosterone level is above 300, the your the prostate tumor cells, the androgen receptors in those cells are completely saturated, right? So you can't accelerate it anymore. However, there are standards, right? And we have to follow those standards. So if the P s A is above a four, we refer that patient to urology. Once the urologist says, Hey, you can treat him, then we can treat him. So (01:23:09): Been on t r t for 90 days. I've seen muscle gains, but no weight loss. Um, well, if you've gained muscle and you haven't lost weight, that means you've lost fat, right? And we see this all the time. Some guys in their first couple months, they'll put on eight or 10 pounds of muscle just getting back to that homeostatic muscle set point. Um, and they're like, as long as the, if you can do that and not, you know, move on the scale, you're losing the same amount of weight. So, all right, let me see here. Okay, been on T r t 13 years, um, never taken Clomid. Would it work now? Probably not, man, to be honest. Um, that's a long time to be on t r t. Don't use Clomid though. If you're gonna try something, use a c g or en clomophine. Clomophine citrate and en clomophine citrate are not the same thing. Um, so keep that in mind. (01:24:13): All right, we are located in Georgia RAD one 40. Man, those SARMs guys are absolute garbage. I mean, just like, like every good expert that I know on this stuff, they just take the biggest dumps on this and they still are kind of mainstream. Um, watch Derrick with more plates, more dates. They watch all the guys that know what they're talking about when it comes to these SARMs. Don't take these things, man. They stay in your system for a long time. A lot of 'em are aromatase. They shut down. We get guys all the time. They're like 22, 23, and their total testosterone will be a 70 because they've been running these sar 'em. So I don't love these. Um, they're just not my, my favorite. And so LH and F s H are 0.3. Is that bad? Um, I'm assuming you're on testosterone, and that's kind of normal for guys that are on testosterone for sure. Um, that's why we give those little pulses twice a week of lymph opine. It drives those numbers up for short term, right? For like 12 hours. But that gives that testicular function stimulation a couple times a week. And that's enough stimulation to stave off the, uh, testicular, uh, atrophy. So (01:25:24): Thoughts on giving blood when your hematocrit is higher, that's what you do when it's high. And so, you know, the hematocrit number is like the percentage of total red blood volume that's comprised of the red blood cells. Every time you give a pin of blood, you drop that by three points, okay? So if you have to do it once in a blue moon, that's great. Go to Red Cross. Every time you give blood, you might save somebody's life anyway. Um, every time you give blood, it literally starts a cycle that recycles almost all of your blood and your body. So that's healthy too. You gotta watch doing it too much though, because you can dump your iron stores and your ferritin stores. So if you do it often, keep eye on your, your ferritin and iron levels. There's a lab test called the total iron binding capacity. It's A T I B C. Take a look at that. Um, if you're doing it a lot, so should I supplement with high psss A levels? Talk to your urologist. Many urologists, now they understand the actual preventative aspects of testosterone when it comes to prostate. If you have an old school urologist, he's gonna say, hell no. If your urologist is like 35 years old, he's gonna put you on testosterone with a high P s a a lot of times. So it's just gonna depend on your, your guy. So, (01:26:44): Um, I'm on t r t. Is there something that I should go along with to maximize your results? I love this question, man. That's, that's a sign of accountability. That's a sign of, uh, guy that's gonna get it done. I like to say it like this, man. What we can do to somebody like my age, or somebody that, you know, that's in their forties or fifties, is I can restore your, your hormone levels to that of, I don't know, like a a 19 year old or 20 year old, right? 18 year old. But the issue is, like in the US we have a obesity epidemic with our teenagers because they're not doing the right stuff. So I can give you the hormones to make you the fat teenager that sits on the couch, you know, just playing Xbox all day. Uh, or I can give you the hormones of somebody that gets out there and, and puts the work in and gets all the amazing results. (01:27:31): So resistance training, manage your macros, manage your sleep, manage your stress, manage your hydration. Um, I know those sounds so fundamental, like no shit, but literally that's what's missing in most guys. If you want to take this testosterone and consider it like an easy button and be like, oh, I'll take the test and get a six pack. You won't, it won't work like that, right? Look at all the 18 year olds that are fat. Um, but if you're willing to put in the work, man, the testosterone will do it. So again, resistance trained, high volume, high intensity, lots of protein. Make sure you're in a little bit of a surplus if you're trying to gain muscle and a little bit of a deficit if you're trying to lose muscle. Manage your sleep and stress and manage your hydration and you will kick ass. So, um, Nicholas, my doc, put me on Clomid to naturally increase my T levels. (01:28:16): That does work. It typically doesn't make guys feel better. Um, and if it doesn't, then you wanna look at T R T and that only works if you're LH and F S H are on the lower side, right? If they're on the higher side, it's already the pedal to the metal and pushing the pedal harder when it's already to the metal doesn't do any well. So I'm glad it seems to be working though. That's awesome. That's an indication that it might, you might have had that room. Is it ideal to take a c g with every testosterone shot? A c g is best used twice a week because of the half-life duration, like a Monday Thursday, administration of H C G somewhere about 400 to 500 IUs each shot is gonna keep your testicular function the healthiest (01:29:02): 6.5 opine. Yeah. Zinc to God, Ali. It's not the, uh, to God Ali, it's the opine it took you from three 30 to six 50. I love that. That's awesome. In fact, with our young guys, if they come in and they're LH and F S H are very low, we don't put 'em on testosterone. We put 'em on en clomophine by itself for exactly what orts said. Um, some guys younger guys can get a real boost after the en clomophine by itself. So that's awesome. Um, hematocrit's already high. Yeah, man, this can definitely make it worse if it's already high. Um, you might need to talk to a hematologist. You might be on the scale of a, of a disorder called hemochromatosis, in which case you'll need regular blood dumps, right? So, um, but also don't avoid testosterone for one thing that could be very easily managed because you might open the door to introduction to other things that are not so easily managed, like obesity, right? Um, the mental health impact that low T has on a lot of guys is tremendous. Um, so the, the hematocrit's one of the easiest things to manage just with routine blood draws. So don't, if you feel like you need the testosterone, explore it with a good clinic that knows how to manage that the right way. (01:30:21): The best testosterone, in my opinion as far as application goes is the Cate shots twice a week. And so erect, I got high liver enzymes. What do I do? That's a tricky question. That can be from a million thing. Uh, if you have fatty liver and your enzymes are high, there's a very simple, cheap and easy solution. It's choline and anatol. It's a cheap, it's a supplement. You can get together in the same pill. Take that daily for six weeks and retest. Um, if it's still messed up, go see an expert, man. You might have a a liver issue. You want to get, um, you want to get handled. Jesse Carolina. Um, what do I think about MK 6 77? It is awesome when applied the right way. Um, it's a big deal to make sure that, that if you have any kind of disordered eater eating pattern, don't ever get near that stuff. (01:31:13): 'cause it'll make you so hungry. You're gonna eat everything in sight. Um, if you're trying to lose weight, it's a terrible peptide, right? But if you're trying to bulk and you're trying to eat 4,000 calories and get 250 grams of protein and you're just stalling out at 3000, this'll really help you. And also, if you know anybody that has any kind of muscle lacing or sarcopenic disorder, um, where they just can't eat enough to keep body mass on, this is a godsend. It can literally extend their life and extend the quality of life by maintaining strength. Um, so, you know, the other name for this stuff is called ibut. Amorin when applied correctly, it's fantastic. Love it. Thoughts on cjc 1295. It's our favorite. You compounded also with ilin together, they very synergistically work in kicking off growth hormone production and also maintaining the production for about four hours. (01:32:04): If you use either one of them alone, you get almost nothing, right? So the C J C will kick it off, but then it shuts down fast. And also if you take ior, and by itself, it may never, the, the, the growth hormone production may never get kicked on. So who do I need to speak to? My, so I need to speak to my doctor about getting on what? Clomid if you're family planning, talk to them about it, right? Um, just it's ch clomophine citrate typically like 25 milligrams every other day is gonna get you where you need to be. So, um, yeah, we talked about the hematocrit, da da da and Clomophine 12.5 every other day. Um, either way works, man, as long as you're puling those testicles every few days, you're gonna keep that atrophy away. You know, we use it just kind of like in the, there's some really good research recently that shows if you just put, if, if someone's in a coma and you put tens units on their legs, like 15 minutes twice a week, you'll reduce their atrophy by 80%, right? (01:33:08): So you don't need a lot of stimulation and you don't need these long windows of stimulation. You just gotta use that tissue a little bit and it'll preserve it. And so that's kind of what we're doing with the en cloma theme. They're just burst of stimulation to that testicular tissue to mitigate the atrophy. And so lost 20 pounds of muscle due to a shoulder injury. What's a good way to gain it back? Man, slow and steady, you know, old fashioned, just, you know, push, pull legs, lots of calories, lots of protein. Make sure your hormones are good. Please give blood. Listen to this man. He knows what he is talking about. Giving blood truly saves lives, guys. So also, guys, if you don't mind, I'm gonna ask one more time, give us some love with the likes and the shares. I'm trying to get all this good information out there. (01:33:56): Um, I really appreciate it. And so I heard I should take a baby aspirin every day. Even the US Heart Association has, um, disavow itself with that advice. It's no longer, um, advice. A lot of cardiologists still say it, but it doesn't do much at all. And so that's the fourth time I've gotten Carson daily this live. I'll take it. Alright? Phlebotomy is the only option to consistently lower the red blood cells. Um, if you're on T r t, I mean, you can lower your testosterone level, but again, optimal is optimal, right? We want to keep your testosterone level optimally. And if there are some downstream issues, we wanna manage them individually. So keep that in mind. Do I take estrogen? No. No nuts. Um, I carry a lot of estrogen though. I, my estrogen level stays like 90 plus. Most of the time I convert it at a high level, but I tolerate it. (01:34:50): So if I tolerate it, I'm not gonna mess with it. So where do you start to get treatments? Well, for a patient that's interested in us, they just call us. Uh, we send them to the lab, any LabCorp in their area and LabCorp sends us the results. We're also gonna send an intake form at the same time to the patient. So when we get those lab results and the intake form back, we do the consultation. If they're a good fit, we just ship them medication and we follow up on regular intervals. We follow up at eight weeks, we send you back to the lab. If everything looks great, we follow up every six months. And so, um, that's kind of how we do that. Primary physician man, if you're lucky, some are, some are good at this, right? I've trained dozens and dozens. I've trained hundreds of nurse practitioners that work at T r T clinics. (01:35:34): And, um, you're gonna get on average, average, you're gonna get much, much better love and care and expertise at A T R T clinic. But there are some, uh, really good primary care guys that have come to training. You know, that, that know this stuff. Best treatments for atrophy are, um, a C G and opine and clo. So uncle is 64. Can he get to 19, 20 year old levels safely? A hundred percent. And like there's no risk in taking an older person back to a level that they were optimal at for, you know, earlier in their life. There's, that's just, um, that's one thing doctors are, they're like, well, this is normal for his age. Yeah. 'cause he's falling apart. This statement, I wish I had come up with this, but there's a guy named Dr. Rand that's also on YouTube and does some of these things. He coined this phrase, um, he says, if your hormones are age appropriate, that just means you're dying at the expected rate, right? You're falling apart at the same rate everybody else is. So like f that like, we're not here to, to participate in that. We're actually here to completely mitigate that and reverse that. So, um, age appropriate is not appropriate, if that makes sense. (01:36:47): I'm 23, I have no problems, but I want to get on testosterone for the benefits. I see no reason not to. Well I do. Don't do it man. Just focus on the lifestyle. You're 23 man. You probably have the androgen support to build muscle, get lean, get ripped, uh, you don't need this. And look, the moment you start taking this stuff, you do introduce potential issues right Now when you're 30 and you've got roti, those potential issues are grossly outweighed by the benefits of the testosterone, the positive benefits. But you have the positive benefits now, right? Work out, man, get your get, get right in the gym, you know, get your protein up, get your calories up, and, um, get that discipline worked on. That'll be, uh, that'll be what you want. So, alright, when you're on T R T LX and F SS H are 0.3, what should I take? (01:37:41): Everybody who takes testosterone, LH and F S H drop, that's because those are the signals that your body sends your testicles to say, Hey, I need more testosterone. Well, when we're injecting the testosterone or you're getting it from anywhere, your body's like, shit got, I don't need anymore. So it turns that signal off. Now if you were taking en clomophine twice a week, if you take the en clomophine and you go to the lab like two hours later, those point threes will be like a one, right? You'll see that it pulses up and it's gonna go back down and you're on Clomid and most guys apply to this. Not all apply. If you're on Clomid, which is in your system 24 7, it's not a pulse, it's just a steady static thing. Um, you'll see your LH M S F S H levels are higher, but the fact that they're low right now doesn't mean that your pituitary is messed up or anything. It's normal that they're low. If you're on testosterone, um, the en clomophine twice a week is going to protect the testicular function from prolonged low LH and F S H because again, a couple times a week we're gonna get that pulse. So you don't, you're not gonna have to deal with prolonged, um, exposure to that low level 'cause you're pulsing it twice a week. (01:38:52): Do the benefits still outweigh the negatives? No, not unless you have low T (01:39:01): H C G versus clomophine. Um, I like H C G better. We just can't really get our hands on it. You know, I preferred it better. It had a little bit better results, but opine is the best thing we have now. So that's why we use it. It's a great question. By the way, truck driver said a lot. I do mirror replacement 2000 calories a day, but I'm not seeing it. Yeah, man, sedentary lifestyle's tough, you know, um, it's just, it's tough. So maybe that 2000 calories needs to go down to like 1800 calories with, you know, maintaining a lot of protein, get as much protein as you can, reduce the calories. At some point when you reduce the calories, you're gonna see a tipping point with your fat loss, you know? But again, don't go crazy low 'cause then you're gonna start impacting lean muscle and metabolism. So a o D is great man, it's a good appetite suppressant. However, um, it is nowhere near as good as semaglutide. I mean at all. We were doing a o d for years. Um, semaglutide came around about a year and a half ago, and our results with everybody are just so much better. So if you're gonna spend the money, I say spend it on the semaglutide, it's awesome. It's awesome. (01:40:12): Hit the weights, eat healthy. Amen. I'm with you, man. Let's see what is considered normal range for testosterone? 62, um, zero basically. Uh, but again, that's not normal, right? You don't want that. If you were to come to our clinic, we would get you above a one 50, believe it or not. And there's so much research that supports why we do that now. Um, but testosterone for women is just amazing and it gets so many women over all of their postmenopausal issues except for the heat related, uh, issues like night sweats and um, and heat and hot flashes. Those are very, very estrogenic in nature. And testosterone's not gonna fix those. But if those aren't causing you a problem, then testosterone alone can fix most of the other, uh, peri or peri or postmenopausal issues. Any issues with taking testosterone, H C G and fertility? (01:41:08): Yeah, any time you take testosterone, it's going to impact your fertility. H C G helps a hundred percent, but if you don't take testosterone, um, your fertility's going to be better than if you do even with H c g a hundred percent, right? Like promise you how long is the start? Um, it depends on the work you're putting in, right? If you're killing it in the gym, getting your protein, you know, getting your sleep and managing your stress, uh, most guys feel it like up here, you know, with focus and concentration and motivation and they just feel so much better and four to five weeks and the rest of your body is going to determine on where you started, right? If you've got 300 pounds to lose, it's hard to see that. Or if you're at 300 pounds, if you, if you're lean and kind of in shape and you you're working out, you can see results in a couple months. So it just depends on your starting point. Unfortunately, I don't like the pellets. We kind of touched on that earlier. Um, not for men. They're fine for women, but there's just too many issues with men and I can't tell you, man, we have so many, we've taken on hundreds of patients over the years that hated the pellets so much, you know, so it's not the biggest fan. (01:42:21): Um, how does t r t affect the pituitary gland? It doesn't, but it affects what the pituitary gland needs to do. It's not gonna negatively impact the gland, but it just says, Hey, I don't need you anymore. I don't need you to run the LH and F ss h hormones as high anymore. So the pituitary just goes, okay, cool. No big deal. Right? The hypothalamus drives the pituitary to do certain things based on how much estrogen and testosterone it sees, right? So if it sees plenty, it just says, Hey, pituitary, don't worry about this, but it's not gonna affect it negatively whatsoever. All right. Um, Mandeep coming through with a badass question. This is awesome. How can I tell if H C G is working for maintaining fertility while I'm on t? You can't tell it with a blood test, right? H C g, the, the molecule is just like the molecular weight is just like barely off from luteinizing hormone, but those luteinizing hormone receptors in the late cells in the testicles, they can't tell the difference, right? (01:43:21): So even though it's like one atom off, um, they say, oh, it's lh, the brain must be telling me to make testosterone. So when H C G is present, the testicles just go, okay, cool, let's make testosterone, um, also sperm. And so the only way to tell if it's working is with a semen analysis. And so, so many guys will get on testosterone, they'll realize their semen, um, count is basically zero, their sperm count is zero and they'll get on H C G for like a hundred days. And guys remember, don't too quickly, if you're looking at this, the spermatogenesis cycle is roughly like a hundred days, right? That's from a, just a basic fundamental cell zygote all the way up to a viable sperm. Um, so late a hundred days, then gave another semen analysis done. That's the proof in the pudding, if you will, pudding's probably not the the best, um, analogy there, but that's the proof that it's working. (01:44:14): So, alright, what should our numbers be at 64? Don't chase numbers, man. Just chase an optimal state. They should be as high as they need to be to make you feel great. Um, I try to get guys to divorce themselves from the numbers and just marry just the way they're gonna feel and let that be their goal. Let that be, you know, the, the, you know, the, the, the north on your compass to know if it's working right? I have a messed up pituitary gland. Hell yeah. So if your body's not making LH and F ss h and we see this right? With young guys, you have to get a clinic that knows what they're doing to help manage this, right? Some endos are afraid to give young guys, um, testosterone 'cause they're not experts at managing their fertility while they're on testosterone. So a clinic that knows what they're doing is gonna be critical for this because also, and this is super important, man, if you're 21 years old and your body's not making any testosterone, you are now so much longer predisposed to these chronic conditions that, that low t causes, right? (01:45:15): Neurodegenerative diseases, osteo generative diseases. You, you lose that cardioprotective testosterone. And so if your levels are low because your pituitary's not working the right way, and there's several conditions that cause this, um, please make sure that you have a good doctor that knows what they're doing. And I mean, though, this is something that we take a lot of pride in, is knowing how to treat young guys when necessary. Most young guys that are 21, we tell 'em to piss off lovingly, you know, encouragingly, but we tell 'em you're not ready. You're just wanting to get jacked. But for a guy that really needs it, we take that person in and we show them love. So, um, if you can't get any help, man, what's your name again? Jeff. Um, dude, give us a call, right? He can even ask for me. I'm happy to talk to you. And so do a body weight and kettlebell workout. Suffice for resistance training. Absolutely. With good intensity, man. Those are beautiful. Absolutely. Um, can lotti help dry eyes? No, afraid not. Where do you get tests from women? Um, same place. You get it from men, you know, compounding pharmacies, commercial pharmacies, wherever. It's just, you want, you need a, a good to do it the right way. You wanna prescribe or prescribing it from a legitimate source. 'cause also, guys, if you're not getting it from legitimate sources, don't take my word for it. Google it. Look at like third party potency and sterility testing for underground labs. Oh my God, there's no telling what you're getting, (01:46:44): Bro. I'm on t r t. Can I get h g h Not from us, man. We'd give you a peptide. Growth hormone producing peptides. They work so much better, uh, because there's no side effects. They cost a fraction of what growth hormone costs. And, um, if you're not putting in the work, you're not gonna get results from either one of 'em. And if you are putting in the work, you're gonna get great results from both. So, um, 33 years old, three 70 and 13, that's on the lower side, man, you want, might wanna get some, get some help with that. So, um, eight weeks still can't perform. It happens, man. Um, so just stick it, you know, stick in there or stick with it. And also, um, considering adding Daily U Cialis, it is a godsend, uh, for helping bridge that gap because it takes months and months for the testosterone to fix ed The daily U Cialis that night, you're ready to go. (01:47:36): You know, for a lot of guys, not all depending on the severity, but for a lot of guys just incorporating a, you know, a five to six milligram per day Cialis routine makes a profound difference. Frankie, I wish my doctor would stop treating me off numbers, man. I feel you. It's the bane of our existence. It's crazy. , your wife hates pudding. Most do. So , uh, I heard myself say that and I'm like, oh my God, I did not just say that, did you? The Anabell, it's a great anabolic, um, side effect, have profound androgenic, um, strength to it. But guys, we don't ever recommend those. The only anabolic that we can legally recommend is nandrolone. But I tell you that we get these guys outta these gyms all the time. They're on all this stuff, right? They're, they're frustrated, they're irritable, they can't sleep. (01:48:28): They're, they got night sweats, they got erection issues, they got estrogen issues, and we'll put them on like 200 milligrams of testosterone ilin. We'll make sure their estrogen is right and they get great results, right? Great results, you know, better than they were getting before because they weren't sleeping. When you're not sleeping, you're not recovering, and their quality of life is just better and they can have sex with their wife again. So, you know, the anabolics only work when you use them very, very specifically, right? And most guys don't, you know, so, all right, uh, what should I expect going in into week three at 200 milligrams of test sip? Is that too high? It's not too high for a lot of guys. You're not gonna be baselined at your new plateau for about five weeks. So you're on the way up, you know? So, uh, you'll start feeling it between the ears with focus and concentration and motivation first. (01:49:15): The other thing physically you see first are the return of morning erections. Um, and then down the road are the much more deep rooted physiologic things like weight loss, erectile dysfunction, and muscle gain. So 34 years old, um, started at three 10, now a thousand. No big death, any anyway to tell, otherwise, look at your estrogen levels. Some guys, if their estrogen's off, they don't feel the benefits of testosterone, and that can be too much or too little estrogen. So start there and then work your way up. We, Jeff, we are located in, um, Georgia, but we're, we're in seven states. Hey guys, while we're doing this, give us some love with these likes. Please, um, share this, if you don't mind, try to get this information out there. I've got about another 10 minutes and, um, I gotta get off here. So any additional, um, questions. (01:50:06): So IGF LR three. It's good peptide, man, it works. Don't use the drug affinity complex component on it. Some are with Dak, don't use that stuff. There's been some very like, scary results in some studies recently with that. So, um, you know, take that Mike Hunt says, I'm very boring. I am very boring. This is boring shit, unless it's interesting to you. Um, any concerns for a stent patient? No, not at all. And in fact, people have one half the cardiovascular events when they're on testosterone. Done, right? This is the most cardioprotective stuff that you can put in your body. Um, don't worry about a stent. If you have like c h F or something severe and you're very advanced, that's different, right? Because this is gonna make you want to do more. And if your body's not ready for that, it can be a problem. But as far as like clot concerns or like, oh, I had a heart attack five years ago, what's going on? You know, should I use it? Yeah. I always say this is going to protect your heart and support your heart more than anything else. So Mike in Arizona was at three 50. He's at a thousand now, and he feels great. I love it. What causes night sweats, skin burning? Um, night sweats typically are, so there's some peptides that do that. They cause a flushing sensation, like a niacin flush, and also a low estrogen levels causes night sweats. So those are gonna be your two primary culprits. Um, other than something, you know, just like some irritant, like a, an antigen in your, your detergent or your seats or something like that. So, (01:51:42): So Austin, um, man, 21 outta 2 0 6, your doctor doesn't quite know what he's doing, but I like the fact that he won't treat you because you're young and he doesn't know what he's doing, right? He's, he's literally protecting you from himself, um, because he can mess up your fertility and you don't want to do that with a 21 year old. So, on this, on my TikTok channel, man, I, there are, there are a few videos that talk about young guys and testosterone and the considerations that you need to be, um, taking. So check that out. Please just check out our videos. Uh, there's good information and education on there for young guys, and if you need help, call us, man. We're happy to have a conversation with you. (01:52:25): All right, Brandon. Um, Simpson throws out something that is a, an issue that we see constantly. He says, I'm on a one ml shot every two weeks. There's an issue with that guy. Ate, has a seven day half life. So let's say that one ML shot, he takes it on the, he gets it like the day before the first of the month. So on the first of the month, he's at a thousand. Well, he's gotta go 14 days now before he gets his next shot, right? So he goes from 1,007 days to 500 and then a seven more days to two 50 before he gets his next shot, right? That is a hell of a rollercoaster. Uh, don't do that, man. Get that testosterone at home. And if you're doing one ML every two weeks, don't even do a half of ML every week. Do a quarter of an ML twice a week, and you're gonna feel so much more steady and so much more baselined, um, by doing that. And so it, and Brandon, it depends on the time of that cycle that you test, right? (01:53:24): Don, what? You're off by one year. I'm 47. Very good. Guess, all right, I'm only taking prescribed testosterone. Do I need to take anything else? Yeah, man. Um, most likely you want to take something to preserve your testicular function. Some guys, you know, the minority, but they need to take something to manage estrogen levels. Um, if you feel estrogenic symptoms, estrogenic symptoms are p m s symptoms, right? Nipple tenderness, water retention, emotional instability. If you feel like you're PMM sing, um, consider getting your estrogen level into an optimal range and also take something to protect that testing function like in CLOMOPHINE or H C G. So, alright, can testosterone, um, or can H C G and CLOMOPHINE only with no testosterone support that I can't see your name, but that is an excellent question. And the answer is sometimes the younger the patient, the more likely that a monotherapy with something like opine or H C G will work. (01:54:25): But that has to be coupled with the way that patient presents in that the gonadotropic levels have to be low. Meaning if LH and F S H are already elevated, that's what the, the H CG and THINE do, right? So if you've got the pedal to the metal on your car and you go to, you're like, I wanna go faster. Well, pushing on the pedal more doesn't make your car go faster, right? It's already down. So if those signals are already engaged at a high level, like above a four, um, there's nothing you can do to increase pituitary output that will increase testicular output because again, the pedals to the metal. So, but if a young guy presents an LH and F S H are low, we always at that point recommend a monotherapy because he may not need testosterone. And if we don't give him testosterone, we don't have to worry about his fertility, you know, and any of the other issues that sometime come with giving a guy testosterone. (01:55:19): So Jason Goldberg, a summer off of t my life is derailed. Yeah, man, we hear this constantly. We get guys that their clinic was shut down or their doctor retired or whatever, and they're like, you know what? I'm just gonna go without it for a while. And they'll call us a couple months later and they're like, man, what the hell did I do? Um, yeah, coming off this stuff, when you're used to it is a big deal. The the thing is, is we lose our so slowly as men, you don't feel it, right? It's just a gradual thing. It's like the frog in the pot analogy, but when you get back on it, man, you feel it immediately 'cause it's such a fast return. Well, when you drop off of exogenous testosterone, it's also a very fast return to those, those low levels. So you can feel either getting on it or getting off of it big time and you feel it fast. (01:56:05): So tumor on the pituitary gland caused elevated prolactin levels lowering my testosterone. Um, yes and no hyperprolactinemia that is driven by pituitary adenomas. So you have what's called an active, uh, pituitary adenoma that sits on the prolactin generating spot on that anterior side. Um, that will 100% drive your prolactin levels up. That doesn't necessarily drive your testosterone levels down, you know, so like half the guys over 40 now have low t the fact that you have hyperprolactinemia and uh, low T at the same time is probably not causative from that exact pituitary tumor. Uh, but again, you had a 50% chance of having low T. So there's something called cabergoline. It is a fantastic drug to limit that, um, adenomas ability to increase prolactin in the body. So it's C A B E R G O L I N E, um, look into that, that can help. (01:57:06): And also if you have low t you gotta treat the low T What's the best testosterone booster that is out there? It is called testosterone. Um, none of the boosters work. They're all bullshit marketing garbage. And look, there's several studies that show them, they obviously don't go to the study that the, the manufacturer of the, the supplement put out, but go to studies like third party analysis that, that evaluate these products. There's never been one that worked. And so great question by user. Big long number. Um, how often do you see young guys under 30 with hypogonadism? It's getting more and more and more prevalent like all the time. And also we put out a lot of marketing, or not marketing, but we put out a lot of education for how young guys need to manage their testosterone levels. So we do attract that crowd, but our average age, people think this is an old man's game. (01:57:57): Our average age of our patients is like 35 years old. So yeah, man, it's crazy. And like I said earlier, 50 years ago, the average 30 year old had twice the testosterone that that they do now. So just your average 30 year old literally has half of what they used to. So, you know, most guys are walking around at very diminished testosterone levels. So age is, um, it's, it's not the factor that it used to be. So many guys in their tw we have hundreds of guys in their twenties on our program, and we don't just jab people with testosterone. We're not one of those clinics. You have to be thoroughly evaluated and we carefully consider every patient, we turn a ton of patients away. Um, you know, so yeah, there's a lot of young guys on this stuff. (01:58:41): So Mike in Arizona you're taking is 0.7 twice a week. So if you're taking 200 milligrams, you are taking, um, of, if you're taking 0.7 of 200 milligrams, you're taking 280 milligrams a week. That's, that's a pretty big dose. If you're taking 100 milligrams of testosterone at that volume, then you're at 140 milligrams a week. So, uh, both of those are relatively intelligent. There's a lot of bodybuilders on, you know, five times that high dose. So, um, yeah, so the peptides we mentioned are CJC 1295 along with ior and we compound 'em together. I say we, the pharmacy we use compounds 'em together. So they're in the vial, they're in the same shot. Um, this is a fantastic combination for growth hormone production. So, all right, um, I'm on Jeff Goodlett now. 35 year old taking 200 milligrams of tests one time a week with a mixed exergen blocker. (01:59:36): Um, 50 IUs of rein rein's. Not the best drug man. It's only got a five minute, half-life. Um, you might want to consider clomophine, um, gada flashes in your body so fast, it really doesn't have time to do a lot. The studies that show that it works are literally injected with an insulin pump continuously over the course of a day. So that's not, you know, applicable in real life. So take a, uh, you know, take that with a grain of salt, but otherwise, man, you look good. I like it. Matthew 10 milligram topical and you feel great. That's what matters. I'm not a big fan of the topicals, but I'm a big fan of men feeling better. And so I'm glad that's working for you. That's awesome. Alright guys, well, I have to get outta here. I haven't had lunch yet. Um, it's been a pleasure. (02:00:25): I appreciate all the dang, um, the, the positive feedback. It's just tremendous. You guys are fantastic. If we can do anything for you guys, hit us up. Um, info at Low T Nation is a good, um, email address. You can just go to the site. We have submission forms and all this stuff on the site too. Um, we're way better at responding to stuff through the site than we are on the socials. The social media comments, um, they get a little overwhelming sometimes. So if you hit us up on TikTok, be patient, we'll get back to you in a day or two. If you hit us up on the website, it's almost always like same business day that you'll hear from us or next business day. And so, but anyway, I appreciate you guys and all you guys that are, that are, um, our patients that are showing us so much love on here. I cannot appreciate you guys enough. Y'all have a wonderful day. We'll talk to you soon.
By Brandon Addison February 13, 2023
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By Brandon Addison February 21, 2022
When on Testosterone Replacement, it is critical to take care of your testicular health. Until recently, HCG was the drug of choice. Unfortunately, HCG is no longer a viable option, so we are replacing it with Enclomiphene citrate. For our Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) patients, we are transitioning immediately to 12.5 mg of Enclomiphene citrate twice weekly along with all of the other components of out TRT program. Enclomiphene citrate is actually superior to HCG for many reasons. One is practicality because now there is no refrigeration, mixing, and less injections required. Also, fertility is increased, seminal fluid is increased, testicular size is completely restored, and downstream DHEA, progesterone, and pregnenolone are all increased.
By Brandon Addison August 24, 2021
Testosterone Replacement Therapy when done correctly is incredibly holistic in nature because the hormones that we use in our therapies are completely bio-identical. This means the actual testosterone molecules that we offer via our prescriptions are completely identical to the molecules our bodies make. Most medications are engineered in a lab using synthetic and non-natural compounds. This is the root of the side effect cascades because out bodies don't know how to perfectly process those compounds because of the fact the body isn't programmed to deal with those non-naturally occurring drugs. Testosterone from our bio-identical is required in the body. Therefore, the body knows exactly how to handle the treatment. When something is made in the body, required in the body and is put back into the body at appropriate levels, side effects are rare. Also, the original reason the body requires it is restored so the body can perform optimally.
By Brandon Addison June 18, 2021
This video goes into the details of why we will NEVER use the HCG Diet for any of our patients who are trying to lose weight. It's the worst gimmick out there when it comes to weight loss, and in fact, most people gain more weight than before they started the HCG Diet. If you really want to lose weight, know your hormones, know your calorie intake and macros, move alot, manage stress, and sleep well. Some people say it's not that easy, but that list of items is avery real start in the right direction.
Testosterone Shots or Pellets? — Atlanta, GA — Low T Nation
By Admin March 18, 2017
Testosterone can be delivered using many delivery platforms. Injections, pellets, creams, gels, and patches are the most commonly used delivery methods. There are definite benefits and drawbacks to each and we are going to evaluate them for you here. First, let’s talk about using testosterone pellets. The pellets are implanted into the subcutaneous dermal layer, typically in the upper hip area. This approach is very limiting for a few reasons. First, it’s a one size fits all approach. They are dosed by body weight and BMI calculations and leave no room for individualizing a patients levels based on his own natural, optimal level. Another limitation is that the pellets bleed heavily early on after implantation, then fall well below optimal levels. This below optimal state is constant until pellets are implanted again around four to six months from the previous insertion date. This roller coaster is exhausting and can sometimes be harder on the patient that being at a consistently low testosterone level, simply because of the consistency of the state of being. Below is a chart showing three different dosages of testosterone pellets over six months. You can see that if your levels repeated this up and down every six months, it would be quite a ride.
By Admin April 5, 2016
This is a letter we have just received from the wife of a new client who thinks that we are Atlanta’s best hormone replacement program. Hope you enjoy!! My husband and I met in college through mutual friends. We were both very athletic and active, which is what drew me to him initially. We married two short years after meeting and began a family shortly after. I really felt like I had everything I’d ever wanted. About 5 years later I noticed that a month or two would go by without a single intimate event, but when I brought it up John dismissed it citing stress as the main contributor. Even more concerning was the changes I noticed in John’s* personality, he no longer wanted to be active with me and was beginning to put on weight. I knew he was stressed out from his job so I tried not to make it worse by pressing the issue, however everything coupled with his indifference to it all began a drive a wedge between us. I just missed the man I married. One day I was having lunch with an old college girlfriend of mine and I began to confide in her the issues John and I were having and she immediately recommended that we go to your place that had helped her husband resolve his low testosterone issues. She vouched that you guys were indeed Atlanta’s best hormone replacement program. John doesn’t have low t I thought to myself, but then again I guess we really didn’t know, had he been checked recently? As she began to go down the list of symptoms, I felt as though she reading a synopsis of my life for the last 2 years, I couldn’t believe how well it described John’s characteristics as of late. It was the first time in a long time that I had new hope for our marriage. So naturally, I rushed home, tidied up a bit and began to prepare one of his favorite meals in order to set the tone for a very important discussion. I wanted to make sure I presented this as an opportunity for healing and not as me adding on one more problem we needed to fix. To my surprise, he was very receptive and almost appreciative of my dedication to better our marriage. We opened the laptop to “Low T Nation’s” page and after reviewing the Testosterone Replacement Blog as well as the rest of the site together for several minutes we made an appointment online for the following week. The appointment at your clinic could not have gone any smoother. Everything was so perfectly explained to us, and we left knowing what went wrong and how to go about fixing it. Fast-forward three months after starting treatment and I feel like I have my husband back (you might even say my boyfriend back for that matter). Yet more importantly, I was shocked to learn of what could have happened to John if his low T was left untreated, we were at risk of losing a lot more than our marriage. He could have likely developed prostate cancer, diabetes or even heart issues. Thank You Low T Nation for healing my John and our relationship, as well as truly being a partner throughout this whole process. Barbara ***********
How to Choose the Best Testosterone Doctor — Atlanta, GA — Low T Nation
By Admin March 3, 2016
7 questions you should your testosterone replacement doctor before starting your program
Estrogen Management for Men — Atlanta, GA — Low T Nation
By Admin February 21, 2016
Estrogen management for men on testosterone replacement is absolutely critical to long term health. Research is showing that estrogen levels are extremely correlated to heart disease. This study shows that both high and low estrogen levels are almost equally dangerous when it comes to heart disease. High estrogen levels are also associated with increased blood clot and strokes and increased mortality. Not to mention, all of the other obvious estrogen dominant side effects like weight gain, gynecomastia, sexual dysfunction, poor moods, and more.
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