All right, folks, what is going on? This is Brandon here
With Low T Nation. I just want to jump on here for a quick little q and a, uh, um, regarding testosterone, regarding peptides, the ed, weight loss, whatever you guys wanna want to chat about. Just let me know, man. We're happy to, uh, happy to start talking about it. So, um, one of the questions that we got last night in our, um, from TikTok was a guy asking me to make a video on, um, Trimix. And if you guys don't know about trimix, it is a really awesome, um, ed med. It's, it's fantastic 'cause it actually works on severe diabetics, guys with like Peyronie's disease guys with, you know, like penile fractures. Um, it works with guys that have had nicked nerves during prostatectomy. It even works on guys in wheelchairs like full paraplegics and quadriplegics can have sex Again with this stuff. It's a combination of prostaglandin, papaverine and phentolamine.
And it is a, it is a penile injection, right? It's no joke when it comes to that, but it's the best drug on the planet if you're dealing with severe ed. Um, it is an absolute godsend for guys that need that. The tricks to doing this guys, is you always start very, very, very low with this stuff. There's a full myriad of, of strengths, right? Like it's a, a full, like, huge spectrum of strengths from a recreational type dose up to a full-blown dose. And, um, I promise you right now, if you take a mid range dose when you just need a, uh, like a week introductory dose, you are going to have a priapism, you a priapism in a direction that won't go away, and you're gonna end up at the er, the ask anybody that works at the er, they see these things like every weekend.
Um, typically trimix is involved and, um, it's a big deal. So you have to start low. That goes slow with this stuff. Never use it more than, than like once in 24 hours. The, the manufacturers all recommend not using it more than, um, you know, something like three times a week or four times a week max. And the real get outta jail free card is always have an injectable phenylephrine as well. Um, they say take Sudafed. Well, there's like five different types of Sudafed. The Sudafed that works is Sudafed pe and that PE stands for phenylephrine. Um, but you can also inject the phenylephrine. So we send a bottle of phenylephrine with every bottle of Trimix from our clinic, and we tell these guys, if you run into a priapism with this stuff, just inject 0.2 into the erection 0.2 mls of the actual, um, the phenylephrine into the erection.
And boom, your problems are solved, right? So, um, you know, so let me catch back up with a couple of these. Uh, Jay Campbell asked, what if I did T r T for a couple months, then stop for a while? I don't want to be on it for life. Well, if you don't need it, um, don't take it, right? Um, pretty simple. If you do need it, then you should be on it for life. And that's our philosophy, right? So we, you know, we evaluate, you know, 3, 4, 5 guys a day. Like, well, you know, my nurse practitioners have three to four to five initial consults a day. And that's one of our philosophical lines in the sand is like, dude, if you don't need it, you don't get it, right? You gotta have like a medical necessity, um, if you're gonna get it from a legitimate clinic.
But also, this is what guys don't understand, man. If you're gonna be on testosterone just to get the muscle gains just to kind of, you know, add a little muscle and then you jump off the testosterone, you're gonna lose most of the muscle. Not always and not all of it, but you're gonna lose most of it, right? So that it's kind of a futile effort unless you're really just trying to, you know, put on a couple pounds just for, you know, you're getting married or you know you're going to the beach or whatever. Still not the best idea. 'cause you can interfere with testicular health while you're doing this. So every patient of ours, we evaluate them medically. We make sure they have what we call medical under, um, medical necessity. And, um, that means there is something that we're treating there, right? There's a symptom of low T that we're treating.
And, um, they also, every single patient gets something called en clomophine. It's not Clomid, it's like Clomid little brother. Um, much, much shorter half-life, but it keeps, uh, the testicular health in play, in, in check. So, um, but this is the deal, guys. If you have lo low testosterone is correlated with all major chronic diseases, heart disease, dementia, Alzheimer's, weak bones, when you get older, uh, diabetes, you name it, right? And so, um, if you have low T man, don't predispose yourself to that, right? It's crazy. Don't do it. So if you have low testosterone, um, get the treatment and stay on it for as long as you can. I'm gonna be on testosterone for the rest of my life, and that's gonna allow me to run, you know, circles around my peer group when I'm in my eighties, right? Because my bones are gonna be strong.
I'm gonna be strong, my brain's gonna be strong. And testosterone when it goes away, it's hard to stay strong in all those areas. So, all right, hope that answered your question. Um, total test 2 85 free test. 19. Um, you're probably, that's nanograms per deciliter. Yeah, that's low, man. That's a 1.9 on our scale for that free testosterone. Um, that's, that's horrifically low, you know, so definitely get, get you some testosterone, man. And at those levels don't come off. I mean, you know, that's not medical advice. That's just like some, that's what I would tell my buddy, you know? I mean, hey man, like that level is gonna cause you problems down the road. So, um, Daniel asked, he says, how do I lose belly fat? I'm on 200 milligrams a week. Um, reduce calories. That's, that's the end of the game right now. You can reduce the amount of calories, you got to reduce the amount of calories that you net every day, right?
So you can eat less, right? You can burn more calories, but at the end of the day, your energy balance has to be in a negative state in order to burn fat. And it's, you know, it's just that simple man there. We did a TikTok yesterday on this. Um, there was a new guy, lemme pull his name up. Um, I've already dropped. No, it was Troy McGinnis. He's the guy that just did McDonald's for a hundred days. Um, lost weight. This guy literally lost like 40 or 50 pounds. His cholesterol dropped, his blood pressure dropped, all of his inflammatory markers went down. Um, it's the best shape he's been in in a long time. And literally just ate McDonald's a hundred straight days. Where you guys remember, um, the supersize me guy, his name was Morgan Spurlock from a few years ago. He ate McDonald's for 30 days and gained 24 pounds.
And literally as Dr pulled him off the experiment, 'cause he is like, dude, this is the worst I've ever seen anybody get in 30 days. And so they're eating the same shit, right? Eating the same terrible nutritional quality food. The only difference was calories. That's the only difference, right? So, um, this guy was eating three half meals a day. Troy was where Morgan was supersizing everything, getting the, the sugar filled coke, extra large fries. And he was eating his entire burger at every meal, right? So where Troy was at like 1500 calories a day, the other guy was probably at 4,000, 5,000 calories a day. And, um, you know, same food just in different, different quantity. So just cut the, uh, you know, cut the calories, lift weights. When you lift weights, man, your B M R increases tremendously 'cause your body's so busy with the protein synthesis necessary for hypertrophy and you're burning a lot of calories doing that as well.
Um, you can do total blood donations for dropping hematocrit. You could do power red. Um, you know, just keep in mind, every pint of just a normal donation that you give is gonna drop your hematocrit by about, uh, three points. And also, if you are on that scale of hemochromatosis where you have to do this quite often, um, make sure you watch your iron levels. There's a test called the, the T I B C. It's a total iron binding capacity test. Make sure to get that. Um, because you can check your ferritin levels and make sure your ferritin stores and your iron levels are staying intact, because that's where all your iron stays, right? Is in your red blood and every time you give blood, you basically recycle your entire body's worth of blood, right? Um, it's a long story, but, but think about this.
Hematocrit is the percentage of total blood volume that is comprised of red blood cells, right? So if you just take a pint out, you didn't change that percentage, you just reduced the overall volume. However that percentage drops. Like how is that? Um, it's literally your body goes, oh shit, I just lost some blood and it doesn't know where it went. So it sends out this apoptotic signal that literally recycles your entire, your body's worth of blood over the course of like seven to 10 days. And you recycle a lot of your iron when you do that, right? So make sure you're keeping your iron stores intact when you're doing this. So, um, it is 200 week a week low, not for therapeutic doses. Um, it's a good question because when you're on the internet, man, you just see guys taking a full gram and so many guys are, you know, taking 250 twice a week.
Um, from a therapeutic perspective, 200 milligrams is just about all you're gonna need to be physiologically appropriate, right? And that's, that's optimally that optimally physiologically appropriate. So you can skyrocket your testosterone, you will gain muscle, you're gonna skyrocket side effects. And all of the, the main issues involved with, you know, with doing steroids or way too much testosterone, you're not gonna run into them at 200 milligrams, right? 200 milligrams is gonna keep most guys at 1200 or a little lower, you know, somewhere between like 900 and 1200, something like that. And, um, if that's the case, that's a good dose of testosterone, you know? So, um, you know, don't, don't go crazy with it. And the other thing too is people think just more testosterone is gonna make, or more anabolics, you know, jumping on all the other things gonna make more muscle and it doesn't, right?
I know so many guys that come to us and they're taking all the shit in the world that they can get their hands on, um, and they're not getting results. And they'll come to us and they're like, man, what the hell? Like, I don't understand. And I'm like, well, talk about your protein intake. Talk about your total calories, let's talk about your sleep and your stress. What's your recovery look like? You know, what is your con, what's your volume and your intensity look like in order to take advantage of those much higher levels of testosterone that these guys are running? Like, you know, 500 plus milligrams a week. You gotta have all your ducks in a row. You gotta be killing it in the gym, sleeping great, making sure your hydration's on point, making sure your macros and total calories are on point. And if you don't do that, you can take all the anabolics or testosterone in the world and you're not gonna get the results, right?
Um, we have one TikTok that that talks about. It's like something like how to spot a steroid user. And I'm like, yeah, go look for the biggest jack, like vascular, lean, like badass dude in the gym. Yeah, that guy's on t I mean, he's on steroids, right? Almost always. You can almost bet that. But what most guys don't get in that gym, in that same gym, there's 10 or 15 other dudes in there walking around that don't look like him, that are on just as much gear because they're not putting in the work, right? So the work is absolutely critical. Um, you know, before increasing anabolics. And another wild thing, man is so many people, they start getting their ducks in a row, right? And they're like, okay, you know what? You're right, I'm gonna, you know, just drop back down to 200 milligrams, get my my body right?
Get all my markers right? But also sleep, stress, protein, macros, everything, manage recovery better, get more intense, more volume. All of a sudden they get jacked and you're like, Hmm, there you go bud. And so, um, worry about the basics first, right? And then worry about everything else. So, um, all right, Justin total T was 1 0 9 if free T was nine. Um, free tested was 3 53 total, two high. So that scale, uh, is a 35 of the way. It's picograms per deciliter. Um, 35 is a little high for most guys. Yep. And so, um, and it, it depends, right? High is relative. And so we treat, you know, thousands of patients. So when I talk about something being high, I mean, it's high as an average for most guys in our program. There are guys that can pull that number off, no problem, right? Without any side effects.
You know, there are other guys whose nipples will shoot through their shirt, they're gonna cry themselves asleep at night. They're gonna feel absolutely terrible. They're gonna get back knee, their hair is gonna fall out and all these other issues. Um, keeping that, our goal for that free T number where yours is a 35.3, our goal is somewhere between 20 and 30. That's where most guys feel, um, just back, they're like, oh my God, I'm 25 again, I'm back. You know? So, and then getting past that, you start introducing side effects to the average guy, you know? So just keep that in mind. So another thing that we got a couple questions on yesterday was prostate cancer. And, uh, I'm gonna start doing these lives, guy, like maybe like, I don't know, 30 minutes, 45 minutes a day. So if you guys don't mind, um, you know, give us some likes.
I want this information to get out there. 'cause so many guys are just killing their bodies, they're making bad decisions. And also they're propagating bullshit on TikTok and on the internet that makes other guys make bad decisions with their bodies. So we're really trying to get out there, um, and, and just, you know, share some common sense knowledge. There's just too much like just bro science and BSS out there. And guys are literally taking way too many chances. Uh, man, we had blood work come in on a, uh, it's actually a consulting client of mine. I teach doctors how to actually do H R T and weight loss and Ed and implement it into their clinics and make some cash and be able to offer additional services to their clientele. And one of the doctors that I was starting with, he was getting advice from this knucklehead at the gym, but he was a professional bodybuilder.
So the doctor was like, man, you know, maybe I should listen to this guy. Well, his testosterone was through the, he was having severe estrogenic issues. His back was broken out completely, but what was even worse, he had him on Cytomel, his T three was the highest I've ever seen. And he had him on clenbuterol at the same time with the highest T three I've ever seen. And that is an absolute recipe for a heart attack. And um, when I showed the doctor his laps, he was like, flabbergasted, right? So even if a doctor can make those bad decisions, right? You know, it's easy for, you know, guys like you guys and us to make the same based on all the misinformation. So, um, anything that, that you guys can do, you know, for the algorithm to, uh, to help put our information out there, we'd greatly appreciate it.
So if you could like our videos and share it, I'm not trying to be like, you know, I don't make any money on any of these things. None of this stuff is monetized. I just want to be able to help these guys make the right decisions. Um, but back to the prostate cancer thing, we get a lot of questions about prostate cancer. And, um, years ago, like, you know, 50 years ago or something like that, there were some studies done that showed that if a guy had prostate cancer and you chemically castrated that guy, the cancer tumor would remit. And, um, so they're like, oh, testosterone's causing cancer. Well, it doesn't. That's a very, very loose correlation. And with, with no consideration for causation whatsoever, testosterone has never caused prostate cancer ever once in anybody. And think about it, if it did, a bunch of 25 year old dudes will be running around with prostate cancer, right?
And they don't, you know, you don't get prostate cancer till you're much older. Um, and then, you know, that's when your hormones are going. Well, they found out recently that you can actually remit prostate cancer with very high levels of testosterone as well. Now, we can't do that clinically. The, the, you know, it's just not accepted in in medicine yet, but it will be very, very soon. And a company called Biot, which is a female pellet, they're primarily a female testosterone pellet company. They've also recently done an enormous study with a hundred thousand women and they showed that women, if you keep their levels above a one 50, it cuts their breast cancer incidents in half. That's crazy, man. One outta seven, one outta eight women get breast cancer. And when you can make that like one outta 15, that is so, so profound, right?
That like, how many lives is that going to change? Um, so yeah, guys don't worry about prostate cancer at all with testosterone. So, and they've also proved these aren't, I don't ever ever talk about opinions in this. We only regurgitate what the actual literature says. Um, but another thing is guys that have the lowest levels of testosterone always have the most aggressive forms of prostate cancer as well. Guys that have healthier levels of, of, of testosterone throughout their life, um, typically don't get prostate cancer. And if they do, it's a much less aggressive form. Um, and the the outcomes are typically better. So that's one thing that, um, that is a big deal. So another thing that comes up on here all the time, and man this starts fucking wars, um, is anastrozole use. And so everybody wants an easy rule, right? And do we use it?
Yes, we use it. Oh, you're stupid, you use anastrozole or do you not use it? No, we never use it. Well I think that's stupid too. You don't want any hard and fast lines in the sand. The reality is some guys need it right now, not most. This is where clinics that, that adhere to one or the other, they get in trouble because there's just so many different guys out there, right? And if you give the same amount of testosterone to five guys, they're estrogen's gonna come in at five different places. And also that doesn't have any effect on where his natural estrogen optimal point is either, right? So, um, guys are gonna come back all over the, the place 'cause they aromatase at different levels. But then some guys, you know, wherever they aromatase too isn't enough estrogen for them. Some guys, it's the sweet spot and some guys it's, it's way too much.
So we never give anastrozole to guys unless they're exhibiting estrogenic symptoms, right? They're bad water retention, um, you know, erection issues. Um, typically the erection issues are on the lower side, right? But when guys get, um, nipple tenderness, when they get, um, temperature issues like temperature regulation issues and water retention and um, and emotional issues, that's typically estrogenic, right? And we give those guys anastrozole and just like that, they feel better most of the time. So I argue with these clinics all the time, I'm like, look man, like don't draw a hard and fast philosophical line in the sand when you can see that it works. Sometimes just say, Hey, sometimes when necessary, we try this and it usually works. And if it doesn't, we take the anastrozole back outta play. Also, keep in mind that anastrozole definitely can cause an increase in blood pressure.
So if you guys have ever jumped on testosterone and you had anastrozole as part of your protocol and your blood pressure went up, is not the testosterone. Testosterone doesn't cause increases in blood pressure. Again, 25 year olds to 20 year olds would have high blood pressure. If that was the case guys, their blood pressure would increase when they hit puberty. And um, that's not the case. So, um, can you explain what VAR is? Yeah, Anavar is a D H T based anabolic steroid. Um, I don't like it because of what it does to your lipid panel. Um, I was talking about one of these doctors the other day that came in and his, his, um, his testosterone, or excuse me, he was on all these, these, uh, anabolics, he was on VAR also. And, um, you want your L D L. So with cholesterol, L D l think of it as lethal and H D l think of it as healthy, right as you want these, as close to one to one as you can get.
But you can have up to like three times as much bad cholesterol as good cholesterol and still be fine, right? This guy had 27 times the amount of bad 27 times the amount of bad cholesterol that he had, good cholesterol. And if he naturally had the tendency for any atherosclerosis, he was setting that environment up perfectly. Now, antiviral is a, you know, it's, it's a pretty anabolic drug, right? Um, it's not very androgenic, it is anabolic and it helps guys cut weight and, you know, retain some muscle. But I'd much rather, if you're going to take something, I'd much rather take, you know, um, a, a lower dose nandrolone or something along those lines just to mitigate the side effects tremendously. So, um, thoughts on Prime Body? I don't know about those guys. I know they're not as good as that company called Low Teen Nation though, if that company's awesome. <laugh>, all right. Oh, thank you man. I appreciate the, uh, the compliment we're trying. All right, well this guy wants to go live with me. Let's see what this looks like.
Come on. All right, we'll see if he comes. Alright, any other questions guys? We, we do a lot of work with, um, semaglutide these days. We're killing it with that drug. Um, it is a phenomenal weight loss drug. Phenomenal. Okay? Um, when done right now, if you just give it to people, um, we give 'em B 12 two to mitigate those early side effects like GI upset, and we also make sure that they increment very slowly, right? When guys go fast, it's a big deal, right? They're going to shut their GI system completely down. That's where gallbladder and pancreatic issues come into play. Um, and also they don't eat at all. So what happens? Their metabolism shuts down, they lose lean body mass, their hunger hormone called ghrelin, um, starts to go through the roof. Leptin, the satiety of hormone starts to go away. And typically that, that hormonal dysregulation can last as long as your diet is.
So if you were on semaglutide in a crazy deficit right? For two months, that that hormonal dysregulation is gonna stay like that for two months after you start to refeed. But the issue is you've lost metabolism. You've lost lean muscle, which actually drops your B M R more and you're still hungry and you're never satiated when you start eating. That's what the body is literally programmed to do, right? Back in the day, man, it was seasonal and when we were cavemen, we lost all our muscle and you know, we lost all of our fast stores in the winter and then all of a sudden we had to be programmed to refeed as fast as we can because guess what? The next winter is coming. That's how bears still work, right? It's the same thing, you know? And so, um, you'll hear a lot of bad things about semaglutide, but it is an absolute wonder drug when you couple it with behavior change and lifestyle modification to make sure that this weight loss protocol sticks after they've done it.
Um, is okay. So what's my opinion on jails? Jails are terrible if they are commercially bought. So axon AndroGel, they're so sub clinically diagnosed, there's, there's just a tiny amount of testosterone in them. You can't get your levels up to where you need to be with those. However, if you get a compounded gel or a compounded cream, they're great because your doctor can put as much testosterone in that as he wants, right? When he orders it from the pharmacy. So you can drive your testosterone levels up to an optimal, optimal spot with those. So if you're gonna use a gel, um, the other thing too is for, to be as optimal as possible. 'cause that stuff falls outta your system in like 16, 17 hours. Um, it's to, for full optimization, do it twice a day, right? Because you don't want to rob yourself of, you know, 6, 7, 8 hours, um, of no testosterone.
And it's typically gonna gonna be when you sleep because most people put it on during the day. You want that testosterone as much as it can get. Um, it's gynecomastia related to testosterone. Absolutely. Um, again, I was saying earlier, well, you know, that's not related because of teenagers would have it. Well, teenagers get gynecomastia all the time, right? Like boys when they hit puberty, they get those weird nipples. Girls actually grow breasts right from estrogen. Um, well, because the male body doesn't make much estrogen outright, right? Our testicles make about 10% of all the estrogen that we have. We convert it from an aromatase enzyme and aromatase grabs testosterone and converts it into estrogen. So the more testosterone we have, the more that conversion occurs and the more estrogen we end up with. Guys have different levels of sensitivity to estrogen. And when a guy's super sensitive to it or he just has a, an astronomical amount of estrogen, one of the side effects is gynecomastia.
So if that's the case, that is a situation where a guy needs to be on an aromatase inhibitor or he needs to bring his testosterone level down. Well some guys, in order to have an optimal a level of testosterone, right, they end up with way too much estrogen. That is one of the exceptions to the rule where you put that guy on an AI like anastrozole and, and bring that estrogen level down. Alright? What is your opinion on peptides? I love them. We have IOR with C J C 1295. That is a absolute badass growth hormone producing combo. Um, the, the CJC 1295 is a growth hormone releasing hormone, and it's coupled with ilin, which is something called a somatostatin blocker. So that keeps that growth hormone pulse going for about four hours. It is phenomenal. Now you're wasting your money if you take that and you're not working out.
But if you are working out, the increased protein synthesis is just absolutely amazing and it's lipolytic as well. Um, the only time that I would've would recommend taking it when you're not, um, working out is if you're struggling with sleep. We actually have several guys that buy that. They spend a lot of money on it in lieu of a much cheaper abient option because they're sleep quality is just so much better and they love it. We also have healing peptides like b PC 1 57. We have sexual peptides like PT one 40 guys, if y'all don't know what PT 1 41 is, you need to learn because, um, it's typically given to women. Some guys, it it really helps. A lot of guys have the best erections they've ever had, but on the female side it is revolutionizing sex. Um, women can have twice the orgasms at twice the intensity.
Literally. This is not my, I'm not talking anecdotally, I'm talking, there's research that shows women have twice the orgasms at twice the efficiency. And, um, that's, or excuse me, twice the intensity. And that is phenomenal with the same stimulation, right? So that's pretty badass. But we have tanning peptides, sleeping peptides, we have cognitive boosting peptides. It is absolutely just, they are rockstar drugs and, um, they're way better than taking these BSS pharmaceuticals that have all the side effects. These drugs just stimulate the production of certain chemicals in the body. You know, like immor stimulates growth hormone production, um, like the, the panic, the the, uh, tanning peptide we have is called melanotan. It, it stimulate literally stimulates melanin production in the body, you know? So, um, this is way better than just like introducing drugs to treat things that are literally caused by lifestyle, right?
And then you have to take more drugs to treat the side effects from the initial drug, like man, treat the root cause, you know? So these peptides really help treat the root cause in a lot of things. Also, guys, ulcerative colitis and, um, Crohn's disease is now being treated with an oral BPC 1 57 and the results are phenomenal. If you guys are dealing with GI issues, check that out, do some research on it, it is amazing. And so will we ever low our prices for t r t? No man, we've had the same prices for seven years, right? So we're not, we're not these clinics that go up on our prices. We're just, you know, we know our value. Uh, we know there are some cheaper alternatives, but we get those guys literally every day because they don't have the service and the compassion and the love and the experience that we have, and also they don't have the technical ability to do some of the things that we have as well.
So, um, you know, and we spend a lot of money on education and some other things. So we do need to, um, you know, charge a little more than these clinics. They just shoot you the meds and they never talk to you and you can't get 'em on the phone. Like if we did what they did, right, we could charge what they do. But, you know, we don't, we offer a, a service that's pretty much unparalleled out there and I'm so proud of it, man, if you guys just check our reviews out, you'll see it. I'm just so proud of the reputation that we've been able to generate. And a lot of that is, I mean, we have to generate a little more revenue just because we do so many different things in the industry. I mean, we help set protocols, we train other doctors, uh, we do a lot of different things.
And so how do you know it's safe and cost effective way to take peptides? Well, you gotta get it so safe. It, those are almost two different things, right? Um, making sure you're doing it right means you're gonna pay more than if you just went to one of these peptide places on the internet. But don't take my word for it. Just Google, you know, like peptide, third party potency and sterility testing. And you'll see that most of these, um, like blue sky and some of these, when you test the product, it's not what it says it is. So, um, get it from a legitimate pharmacy, you know, typically through a legitimate clinic and, um, you're gonna be fine. You're gonna pay a little more for it, but you will know what you're getting, you know, so make sure you know what you're getting guys. And so how long with two milligrams of ipamorelin last? Not long. Um, our 35 day bottle is 15 milligrams, right? So, um, that's like we give 400 and something micrograms daily. So, and two, that'd be five days worth if you're doing it daily. Um, you know, so that's, you want to get a lot from that. A dog just scared the shit outta me. <laugh>.
All right, happy Friday and you're so welcome. Absolutely Brody. I'll be right guys.
Speaker 3 (30:54):
Speaker 2 (31:02):
Alright. U P ss guy just made my dog shit in the floor. I think that was crazy. Alright, so Ipamorelin, one of the, the, um, primary rules of it is take a microgram, you need at least a microgram per pound of body weight. All right? So if you weigh two 50, you want at least two 50, we dose heavily with that. 'cause there is a dose dependent increase, roadie stop, there's a dose dependent increase in result up until about 500 micrograms. So we give like 420 micrograms daily the way it's set up with ours. And so IGF one, LR three is, is a good peptide. Do not use that with dac. Um, there's something called DAC is the drug affinity complex. They don't know why this happened yet. And so this is why I say don't take it. A lot of guys take it and they get great results, but there's been two studies, they're, they're rat studies, right? But um, in both of these studies with Dak, they were dosing 'em pretty heavily and all the rats died. Like all of them, like they don't know exactly what happened yet. And so at that point I had some with Dak in my, in my uh, cabinet and I was like, Nope, I threw it in the trash. I'm not taking any chances with that. So,
Um, we do not prescribe oxandrolone. Nope. And so, uh, Carson daily <laugh>, it's better than guy called me Tom Hanks yesterday, I'll take it. Um, we are located in Georgia. We're licensed in Texas in Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama. And we have been waiting on our California license forever for like a year. But we will be getting, um, a California license very, very soon. Um, another thing about these peptides guys is they increase, um, protein synthesis big time, right? And um, when your body is in a deficit when you're losing weight and that, that protein synthesis mechanism is really shut down in the body. And if you think about it from a caveman perspective, right? If you're, if winter has come and you're losing weight, right? The last thing your body wants to do is put more muscle on and increase its caloric demand when you're having those issues, right?
Because when you're having those, those, those caloric restrictions going on, um, so typically when you lose fat, you lose muscle and it's very hard to lose fat and to even just maintain muscle, right? Especially to gain muscle. However, if you're taking ipamorelin, 'cause it turns that protein synthesis switch back on in your body, you can actually do both and the the IOR and really helps you with that because it increases protein synthesis and it's lipolytic at the same time. Um, and you can do that at a calorie deficit as long as you get the protein. Now, when you're trying to get this right, is that there's a delicate balancing act 'cause you can't stay in too much of a deficit 'cause your body's going to be metabolizing its own muscle, right? Once it runs out of fat stores, which are easier to convert, it's going to go after the muscle.
So you gotta stay out of that heavy deficit. But if you can find a pretty good just below maintenance, um, level for calories and increase your protein tremendously, you can actually put on some muscle and loosen fat at the same time. And, um, it's a real, I love helping guys do that because so many guys are just so frustrated. They're like, fuck, I put all this muscle on and then I go to lean out and I lose all the muscle and I don't know what I'm doing. Um, the IPA Morlin makes a profound impact on that. And also it's great for our patients that are on, um, semaglutide. Again, these things add up and they get really real expensive, you know, so we don't really push it on people, but when they complain about losing muscle and they're put, they're eating the protein and they're putting, you know, they're, they're doing their resistance training, we'll talk to them about it and it's a, it's a pretty good, um, it's a pretty good option for those guys.
So again guys, thank y'all. I appreciate you guys so much. Do me a favor. Let's, um, like this stuff a little bit, I want to get this, this, this live to, you know, kind of announce itself to a lot more people every day when we start doing it. Um, so like, share our videos, you know, comment on 'em. Please do anything you can to help us with this algorithm. 'cause we're really trying to get rid of all the bro science out there. You know, we've been on YouTube for years. We had a big impact on YouTube and we literally changed bro science a little bit. We've been on YouTube for seven years and we were one of the more heavily trafficked sites when it comes to good testosterone information. Um, I want to do that on TikTok as well just to, because I mean, the bro science is now rampant on TikTok and it's killing me. Um, but if I can do anything for you guys, my, my email address is or you can always email us at info at Low T Nation, um, Woody, it is low t And um, we're happy to help you guys in any way we can. You know, we're always happy to answer questions and um, like I said, guys, you know, show us some love for the algorithm. I appreciate you guys. I'm gonna bail for now, but y'all have a good day. See ya.