Switching from HCG to Enclomiphene Citrate

Switching from HCG to Enclomiphene Citrate

When on Testosterone Replacement, it is critical to take care of your testicular health.  Until recently, HCG was the drug of choice.  Unfortunately, HCG is no longer a viable option, so we are replacing it with Enclomiphene citrate.  For our Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) patients, we are transitioning immediately to 12.5 mg of Enclomiphene citrate twice weekly along with all of the other components of out TRT program.  Enclomiphene citrate is actually superior to HCG for many reasons.  One is practicality because now there is no refrigeration, mixing, and less injections required.  Also, fertility is increased, seminal fluid is increased, testicular size is completely restored, and downstream DHEA, progesterone, and pregnenolone are all increased. 

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